"I've been working on the railroad." or How Jack Frost stole my balls

Feb 15, 2007 13:03

Am I going to sit here and talk about how the past 30 hours have been the worst since I joined the railroad. I could talk about the 5 hours in transit, and 4 hours trudging through the snow, 4 hours sleeping, 5 hours at home, 2 hours working in blinding stinging sleet, 20 hours at work, 14 hours actually doing work, and countless hours of exhaustion, apprehension, and stress. No. No I'm not.

Hard work is rough on a person, and last minute hard work is worse. Dealing with the idea of dragging yourself back out for a long night when you just got home froen and tired is tough, but all that pales in comparison to the deep sense of accomplishment when all is said and done. No matter how tired and worn I get, I always enjoy the feeling of a job well done after a long and hard day's work.

Overall, I think I'm starting to love my job, at least somedays.

P.S. ioianthe is housekeeper of the year...YOU ROCK BABY!!!


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