Jan 07, 2009 13:32
*sheepish smile* Hello, all. Yes, I'm in an anti-computer mood. Too much to do, and vacation is almost over. *whimper* You would think three weeks would be enough time, hahaha.
I do plan at least one full day of writing. Actually, it was going to be today, but I got distracted. By housework and computer repairs of all things.
Yep, computer repairs. Just before I left for Atlanta (the Thursday the week before Christmas), I was trying to work at home and was having some problems with the internet connection. I figured it was just my ISP having some issues and let it go. And I never got back on the computer until I was at Ree's house (when she twisted my arm to make the last post). Well, when I got back to the house on Monday, I discovered that it was still acting up. Terribly. So, I called my ISP, and they said that there were no issues. Huh. So, a technician had to come out yesterday. The service problem was intermittent, but bad enough that I really didn't want to be on in the time I wasn't shopping. Hahaha.
So, the tech came yesterday. Found a bad connection on the incoming wire, a kink in the incoming line, a loose connection in the incoming line outside which had led to water getting in the line... And a bad modem. Yes, I had to go buy a new modem yesterday. I finally got it installed today and WOW! Things move so much faster! It's amazing! ^-^
I also bought more memory for Luna, the laptop Ree gave me last year. *gives Ree a wide-eyed look* I bought a stick of 512 and installed it, and Ree? It is... *gulps* It's unbelievably amazing how much faster the machine is. Truly. Unbelievable. She might give TaraBlue (and her 2 Gig of RAM) a run for her money here soon. Why didn't I do this before? Now I just need to verify she'll work as well and quickly on the wireless as on the LAN connection and I'll be in heaven. ^-^
I did a lot of shopping Monday and Tuesday. Bought the new memory, the new modem, Tenchi Ryo-ohki (^-^ Left over gift card from Dad last Christmas!), a couple calenders for work, groceries, some household stuff... Lots of walking around, but not a lot of spending money. Spending lots of money on what I bought, but not buying many, many items. ^-^ The cats finally made it to the pet store to get their nails trimmed, and 'Leander got the mats shaved off of his rear. He doesn't look funny unless you're looking at him from behind, hahaha, but it is soooo nice to be able to pet him without running into those things. I think he feels better, too, because I'm not trying to work them out and pulling on his skin. He didn't get to mad at me, hahaha.
Today, the weather is supposed to be bad. *checks out the window* So far, I'm not thinking much of this winter storm. I guess maybe it's raining out there, and if the temperature is dropping it will be freezing soon, but I don't see the snow that they predicted would be with it. Maybe it's all down south...
Anyway, since the weather is supposed to be bad, I was going to write today. Instead, I put up all the laundry I washed before I left for GA, washed three more loads, have one more to wash and everything to dry. I've tried on some new clothes and slippers that I got, did a load of dishes that need to be put away, replaced the modem and memory, and have in general been kinda lazy. Friday. Friday, I think I will write. Today, I have a chiropractor appointment, and then J is coming over for dinner. Tomorrow, there is choir practice and maybe I'll actually get to my Yoga and Tai Chi class before that. Friday, unless J comes over, there is no activity scheduled for outside the house. So, maybe then. ^-^ I want to make a fulllllll day of it!
There! Now everyone knows I'm alive. I'm just hermiting still. Maybe I'll come out of it soon. *wry smile*
Ja ne!