Of many miscellaneous and various things...

Dec 01, 2006 13:11

Lunch time! I bet the soup is done warming up, but I shall talk to you, oh great vastness also known as the internet, for a few minutes before I go get it.

I have been bad. I have been very bad. I have upgraded to a paid account. Yeah for icons!! At last, I can potentially achieve my fantasy of having an icon for almost everything. I can freak out. I can celebrate the holidays. I can be distracted. I can have an icon for each of my dominant personalities (oh, the scariness~~~). I can even have an icon for being mad if I so choose. So far, I have indulged with 10 new ones. Oh the bliss... *laugh*

I should be Christmas shopping... But, it was so blah and ugly and rainy and all this morning, I decided to work on plasticating my windows instead. I've got the tape on all of them. After I eat, I will begin the tedious process of cutting plastic, sticking it to the tape and shrink wrapping them. Here's praying (the heck with hoping) that 'Leander leaves them alone long enough for them to survive the coldest winter months. I'm thinking of reinforcing a few of them with some strapping tape...

After I finish that, I will either go shopping or clean the living room and drag up the tree and decorations. And since spiritchaser1 mentioned cookies... I might make a batch of those, too. ^-^ We'll see. J's planning on showing up for dinner tonight (probably out), and he always appreciates a fresh batch of cookies, hahaha...

Speaking of icons... *sigh* I wish I could find more of the Shitennou as a group. (Those are characters from SailorMoon for those very few who don't know. The bad guys from the first season.) I can find individual ones that I like, but as a group? dark_branwen was right, there isn't much to choose from in the way of pictures, much less icons. Oh well, at least I found a couple to use for whatever December challenge writing I do. I might concentrate on finishing September and November for the most part, though. I was so close to completing September... Just six or so fics left! And I have finished about half of November. ^-^

Um, Kihin? Remember what I said about nine precious days off between now and Christmas? Well, for Christmas I always travel to Atlanta to visit Ree and the rest of my family. Not much time for writing then, either, especially the first week when everyone is running crazy, hahaha. But, I shall try! *determined face* It shall end up like May and October, but I shall try! *laugh* And since you say that you don't like the character chosen for January, I suspect I will love it. Drats. I was going to try and use that month to catch up the others I missed for this year. Ah well. On the bright side, the first theme for December has sparked a potential story that is brewing around in the back of my head. A potential SHORT story. Hurray!

Papi!!! What are you doing to me? *falls backwards dramatically crossing hands on chest where a daisy magically appears* I said I'd have no time. *whimper* Two months in one week? When I have to go out of town for work? And not just office visits, either, but ten to twelve hour days and dinner afterwards? Oh, I am going to miss this one, aren't I. *blinks back crocodile tears* It's revenge, isn't it? Because I didn't get my Numb story in in time to be considered for Best Dark/Horror and give you a competitor to cream. *lift chin, fighting a smile* Well fine, then. I'll show you! *breaks down into giggles* Oh, I'm feeling so silly today... Must be the ray of sunshine that peaked out of the clouds.

Well, off to eat lunch and proceed with the rest of the day. Curtains down. Check. Curtains washed. *gasp* And dried. *double gasp* Tape up. Check. Next up, the great plastic fight!


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