
Oct 28, 2009 21:21

Edited 2 - 211009 08:40
Edited 3 - 28OCT09 21:21

2 Baltic Avenues (Brown)
Pacific Avenue (Green)
North Carolina Avenue (Green)
Marvin Gardens (Yellow)
Connecticut Avenue (Light Blue)
Park Place (Dark Blue)
Reading Railroad

Baltic Avenues (Brown)
Reading Railroad
B&O Railroad
Illinois Avenue (Red)
Indiana Avenue (Red)
North Carolina Avenue (Green)
Pacific Avenue (Green)
Marvin Gardens (Yellow)

Raya J
Baltic Avenue (Brown)
Atlantic Avenue (Yellow)
Indiana Avenue (Red)
Illinois Avenue (Red)
New York Avenue (Orange)
B&O Railroad
Reading Railroad

And I think we may have a B&O Railroad at home.

I don't want to think about the number of calories I am about to consume. It is probably my limit for the day, all in one large sized meal. *sigh* We only ate so-so on the road, but I don't think I gained too much weight from that. This on the other hand...


Mata ne!

PS - Oooo, we just need one more yellow. I hate that. I always end up needing just one more yellow &/or orange &/or red. Hahaha... With Ventnor Avenue, J and I (and whoever joins us with the third piece) could split $25k. Not bad. *looks at missing street name* Ventnor? I don't remember a Ventnor. Ventura, yes, but not Ventnor. Something seems odd there...

Ooo, if we find Mediteranean Avenue to go with one of our Baltics, we could get $50. ^-^

*rolls eyes laughingly*  Twos.  Why do I always end up with twos?  Two railroads, two reds, two greens, two yellows...

Does no one else (other than Ree) want to play with me?  Ree can't.  *Gives sister a stern look.*  You have the pieces above.  Be happy, ne?  If you can't afford it, you can't afford it.  ^-^

games, food

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