Laundry, Raya. Laundry... Wearing socks to work my not be quite so critical when you're female and can get away with stockings and flats (and freezing feet), but underwear? In a Fortune 500 company? Is kinda important. And more comfortable than going without.
And to get back off of a TMI topic...
TRC will end THIS MONTH! I was right. This is definitely the last arc. And a short arc it will be, too. Two chapters long, though the last chapter will be 30 pages, so the size of a double chapter. *smile* Yeah! Haha, though I wish all of those people hung up on the Vampire Twins story line would use their brains. Um... Seishirou, Kamui, Fuma, and Subaru are not main characters in TRC... Their AU story is not TRC... Their story does not need to be resolved in order for TRC to be complete. Really... If they are truly that interesting and popular, they will be back and maybe you will see a resolution. I tend to think not, and especially not before X is continued and ended.
*gets down off of soapbox* Word is also that xXxHoLiC will end at the end of this year, too. Odd, I thought it would end before TRC, but maybe because it is being drug out so long. Haha, I guess at a once a month release, it only has three or so chapters left, too.
*frowns* I hope we get a little better resolution on FWR and his motivations. Something just doesn't seem right about his treatment in the last TRC chapter. Though, it makes one of my suspicions seem a little more true, hahaha.
Okay, now I really am going downstairs. Ja ne, minna!