Super Quick Update... Go!

Aug 10, 2009 08:59


I'm still fighting some blues, but J came over on Saturday and that helped. Funny... His mere presence is enough to calm and soothe me and make me feel better. I was probably going through withdrawal on top of PMS, hahaha. At least I didn't quite make it down to blacks.

Haha, someone was happy I finally left work on Friday night. *grin* As I was leaving, someone began shooting off fireworks in the park across the street. I got to see several pretty ones before getting in the car and driving to Wendy's for dinner.

I went to bed about 11:00 or so, and was up by 7:30-8:00. Took the cats down to PetSmart and got their nails trimmed. Set up an appointment to get Leander groomed in September (those darn mats are back and bad as ever). Went on a fruitless search in Target and Walmart for a tub of apricot scrub. *sigh* Looks like the tubs have been discontinued. All I can find are the tubes which don't hold nearly as much.

Stopped at Panera and got some bagels for breakfast (one for me for Saturday, and one each for J and I for Sunday). Dropped the cats and the car off at the house, then grabbed my bike and rode up to the post office for my accumulated mail. Stopped at the grocery store on the way home for fixin's for two recipes that I wanted to try. Got home and made an Italian cooked creme recipe and a homemade gelatin jello for dessert that night, and a mock-tuna salad mix for sandwiches. Cleaned up the kitchen, watched TV for a couple of hours while I ate lunch (dumb depressing movies), then laid down at 4:00 for a nap until J got there at 4:30. ^-^

My day brightened up a bit after he got there. We went to Fat Bob's for dinner (barbeque), then went home and had the creme and jello and a few blueberries for topping. Yum! The creme never set. Ah well. I'll have to try it again with more gelatin in it. I'm not sure if it was the almond milk substitution, or if I didn't heat the mixture hot/long enough. *smile* More playtime!

Got up late on Sunday and lazed around. Was a bad girl and skipped Mass. Spent most of the day trying to get TaraBlue backed up again. *sigh* I decided to do a whole backup again, and it keeps messing up. I'm ready to scream. It takes so long, and then it fails? So frustrating. But while it was backing up, I started watching Macross 7. I'm up to episode 8 now, I think. Pretty good, though I hope Max and Miriya get back together again. *sad frown* They're a canon OTP. They can't break up! *pout* Especially not after being together for 35 years or so. Come on! *smile* I did watch the Dynamite OVA before starting the series... 1 & 2 before I went on travel (while trying to back up TaraBlue) and 3 & 4 yesterday.

Bad, bad storms last night. I came through without any damage, but J's grandmother has been having some problems. Last week, they had so much rain that it washed across the road and left a bunch of dirt and debris in her yard. No house or structure damage, thank heavens. That was the yard work that I thought J would be doing Friday: cleanup.

He and his father were going to work on it yesterday, but no sooner did he get there than the rain started falling. They saw another flood trying to start... Water half-way across the road in front of his grandmother's house. Haha, he was joking that it was a good thing it was a double yellow line, or the water would have crossed it. And then we got more heavy rain last night. When I woke up this morning, I heard on the radio that her road was closed. Sounds like they got hit again. His sister lives just up the street from her and is in the affected area, too. Fun. I don't know if he came in today or not. Probably. But he'll probably be down there all week trying to clean up. I'll probably hear tonight how bad it got. I kinda hope it was just water this time, but I doubt it. It didn't get into the houses or knock anything vital down. I assume that, of course, because no one called them in the middle of the night last night.

And just for fun, we're supposed to get more of the same weather again today. Joy! I debated working at home just in case the power went out, but I'm here in the office. I decided I'd wait until the storms rolled through, and then check to see if I can find out where the power outages are either by radio or on-line. If all else fails, I guess I'll go home and check.

And for a quick update, that took a lot of time, hahaha. But, that's my weekend. Here's hoping we all continue to be lucky and not have any real storm damage!

Have a good day, all!

PS - Oh! Oh! I almost forgot. *grin*
J gave me a flower Saturday. A rose. Hand picked from his own rose bushes. *happy smile* This is the man who does not like cut flowers (because they don't last). He hasn't given me flowers of any kind in a while. And yet, Saturday, when I really needed a pick-me-up to keep the blacks at bay, he gave me a rose. A pretty red/yellow/orange rosebud with a beautiful scent. That is opening! It was almost in full bloom this morning. *sighs happily as she goes back to work thinking of her pretty flower*

anime, j, computer, life, weather, flooding

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