Tue, 13:45: Only a little over 4 hours left today. After the delights of talking to Mr Randy yesterday today I spoke with a Mrs Kuntz. #Ishityounot!
Tue, 17:03: Into the last hour of work, struggling to find the enthusiasm now. This last half of the day has massively dragged.
Tue, 17:34: @ blacklibrary Trying to keep track of all the Horus Heresy Books, Short Stories, & Audiobooks is a nightmare. Especially what's coming up
Tue, 17:35: @ blacklibrary I have to rely on Wikipedia to make sure I've got all the books. A bit of a pain. Apart from that I love the books, so please
Tue, 19:13: Now the real question is, when I finally get home do I go for a run? Do I expose my poor pasty legs to that cold?
Tue, 19:14: Do I run down that pitch black scary country lane near the crematorium, or take a different route? It's VERY scary, openfields on both sides
Tue, 19:38: At what age do children become too old for push chairs? A kid of about 5-6 has been pushed onto the bus in one, he looks way too big for it
Tue, 19:39: Now of course he precedes to have a massive tantrum whilst his mother sits there oblivious having a phone call! Time to turn my music up
Tue, 21:22: FUCK!!! That run hurt every single step of the way. Glad to be home, I need to warm down then soak myself in the bath
Wed, 12:32: I didn't even realise there was an el Classico tonight. Considering how much Spanish football I watch I think that tells you something about
Wed, 12:32: how disenfranchised you can become with the duopoly of Barca and Madrid. I hope England doesn't descend into the same degree of domination