Пн, 13:44: You everyone, it's the mighty and wonderful @ KrishBFG !!! You should all follow her immediately on my recommendation #sheisawesome
Пн, 14:26: George, they guy conned my colleagues and I into doing this 10k race for charity is doing a 40 mile race on the weekend... 40 miles! :-/
Пн, 17:30: Having a meeting with a new member of the management team when @ TashaJW1 calls me. And her cleavage flash up on my phone on the table! #oops
Пн, 19:00: Messi named Ballon D'Or again. in other news, the Titanic is sunk
Пн, 20:31: RT @ Joey7Barton: If ur English, u play for England. If ur English and sh*t, u pretend ur Irish grand parentage matters to u and play for ...
Пн, 22:27: After last nights @ TashaJW1 friendly film fest tonight I am watching some extreme horror. First up - French horror Inside
Пн, 22:28: I'm hoping to fit two films in before beddy-byes
Пн, 23:06: Inside is one of the more grim films I've seen in recent years!
Пн, 23:22: Yup, definitely one of the grimmest films I've seen
Вт, 06:11: And now I have to commute without music too. All 2 hours of my commute! No audio books, no thumping beats (ahem) to keep me awake. Horrible!
Вт, 06:11: Morning all. Slept well I hope. Tragic news: I have misplaced my earphones. Last night I did my run without music
Вт, 06:13: Damn you twitter for putting my tweets in the incorrect order!
Вт, 06:33: The problem with commuting without the distraction of earphones is that you get stuck thinking about all the things you don't want to :-(
Вт, 06:34: So now I'm feeling incredibly depressed and ready to go back to sleep for a long long time
Вт, 13:01: Appears my mood has worsened as the day has gone by. Feeling thoroughly miserable now.