My tweets

Oct 22, 2011 12:16

  • Fri, 18:12: That horrible moment when you step outside into the cold and instantly need the loo but are 40mins away from the next one you come across
  • Fri, 18:59: Currently hiding under the covers while @ TashaJW1 has her shower. It's so cold!!! Fancy a movie so off to see Contagion tonight
  • Sat, 09:06: holy snorkels Batman! “@ heidistephens: *cuteness klaxon* RT @ ratbanjos: Hedgehog in a cup, people. Hedgehog in a cup.
  • Sat, 10:05: Exclusive: Watch R.E.M.'s 'Country Feedback' With Neil Young at 1998 Bridge School Benefit -
  • Sat, 11:53: So I was impressed with Contagion last night, although it wasn't quite what I expected. For whatever reason I was expecting a Thriller
  • Sat, 11:53: But in reality it's more of a personal Drama, with added Apocalypse.
  • Sat, 11:53: I highly recommend it though
  • Sat, 11:55: Setting up my #FM12 game at last. Going to do my usual, kick off with #MUFC
  • Sat, 11:55: I usually try to win the Champions League enough times to over take #LFC 5 and then I move on and try to win the 4 other major Euro Leagues
  • Sat, 11:56: It was a really wrench to abandon my #FM11 game, especially after I'd only been playing it a few months, but time to move on


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