A few nights ago, I had this wonderful dream. I should REALLY be working on my fan-fictions, but just had to post this!
It all starts off with Led Zeppelin, in a hotel room. They 're all hanging out together and having a good time.
Jimmy goes and asks Robert a question. Some simple question, I'm not even sure what about.
Robert says, "yes."
Bonham: *comes up to them, points at Robert.* "Ha ha ha! You said YES!! He asked you and you said yes!!"
Robert: "What?" *is completely confused.*
Bonham: "So Jimmy finally proposed, eh?" *budges Robert teasingly with his elbow.*
Robert: *blinks.* "......Huh?..."
Bonham: "And you said yes?"
Robert: *suddenly understands the joke.* "HEY!! NO!! I DID NOT!"
Bonham: *laughs and walks away.*
Jimmy: *staring at Robert with a confused look on his face. As he had been doing the whole time.*
Bonham continued to pull this joke over and over. Every time Jimmy would ask Robert a question, and Robert would say yes, Bonham would say something like, "Aww.. When's the wedding?" Or, "So who's best man am I?"
It made Robert pretty mad, but Jimmy didn't ever seem to understand.
So this went on for a long time. Eventually, Jimmy got bored of not understanding, and pulled out his CELLPHONE. (In the dream the year was somewhere about, 1968 or so. So yeah, cellphones didn't exist!)
So Jimmy decides to text Pete. (Townshend of the Who.)
Jimmy's text: "Hey, Pete. You busy? Wanna hang out?"
Then the dream shifted to this record store I've recently discovered.
Apparently, in the dream, Pete worked there.
Pete: *unloading some boxes of vinyl records. His phone goes off.* *watches for the boss, to make sure that he can get away with sneaking a look at his phone.* *reads the text.*
Pete's Reply Text: "Sure! I'd love to see you. But I'm at work right now. I'll see if I can take a lunch break now."
Pete: *goes to the boss.* "I'm gonna take my lunch now. Okay?"
Boss: "No you're not. Go work the register."
Pete: *huffily goes to the register.*
In the background, me and my sis, Shu. walk through the door.
Me: (far away, so it's a little muffled.) "Now let's ask them first thing, if they have any Donovan."
Pete: *sighs* "Why do I have to do this? There's hardly anyone here!" *walks out from behind the counter.* "Boss? Is there something else I can do?"
Boss: "Go upstairs and start unloading the boxes up there."
Pete: *goes up stairs and is unloading the boxes and sorting records out on shelves.*
Suddenly Keith (Moon) rushes in through this door connecting to a balcony outside, that the store apparently had.
Keith: *is only wearing a pair of boxer shorts.* "Hey! Pete! Hey, whatcha doing?"
Pete: *looks slightly surprised.* "Keith? Where are your clothes?"
Keith: *ignores the question.* "Whatcha doin?"
Pete: "I'm working, Keith. So you need to scram."
Keith: "That's so boring though!"
Pete: "I know, but I need the money. How am I gonna have a band if I can't afford a new guitar? You know my other one broke."
Keith: "True... Okay." *wanders away, goes down stairs and starts to look around the shop.*
Pete: *eventually goes down stairs as well, after finishing his work.*
Keith: *is looking at a bunch of posters of Sean Lennon as he is today. (John Lennon's second son.)* "Oh I love Sean!! I LOVE him!! Sean!!"
Pete: "Keith! What are you DOING?!"
Keith: *leaps away from the posters.* "Where's the one of the alien!?" (Sounding like he's using that as a defense.)
Pete: "What alien?"
Keith: "The one that looks like me. You know!"
Pete: "What?"
Keith: *notices the alien poster he was talking about, is on the wall a little ways away.* "That one!" *goes over to stare at it.*
Pete: "..... Hey.... That DOES kinda look like you."
Keith: "Yeah I know. Handsome bastard."
Pete goes off to do more work.. Keith is walking around the store for a while, then he finds boxes of something and looks excited.
Keith: *finds a BUNCH of fireworks in the boxes, takes them to the register and buys them.* *looks around for Pete. Not finding him anywhere, goes outside with the fireworks.*
Pete: *comes out of an 'employees only' area. Looks around for Keith, but doesn't find him.*
Keith: *sitting on the curb outside the record store.* *pulls his cellphone out of God knows where. And texts Pete.*
Keith's Text: "Ey, Pete. Guess what I got for ya?"
Pete's Reply Text: "What have you got for me?"
Keith's Text: "A whoooole bunch o' firecrackers, baby"
Pete's Text: "Is that some kind of innuendo? Or do you actually have firecrackers?"
Keith's Text: "No. I actually have firecrackers. But if you wanted it to be dirty, I might be able to arrange that."
Pete's Text: "Wow, Keith. Just buzz off."
Keith's Text: "I bet you want me to talk dirty to you."
Pete doesn't reply.
Keith's Text: "Ooooh.... I bet you do... Don't ya, Hotlegs? Huh? Then let's talk dirty."
Pete's Text: "WTF? Keith? I told you to leave me alone. You sicko."
Keith's Text: "You bad boy! You call me a sicko? You're the one that wants me to fuck you. Not to say that I'd mind though!"
Pete's Text: "Fuck off, you disgusting perve!"
Keith's Text: "Aw, baby you know that's part of what you like about me.You like that I need you. Need to taste your juice. Need to feel myself deep inside of you. Need to fill you with my seed. Need to hear you moan and whimper, desperately waiting for a release."
Pete doesn't respond, and shuts off his phone. But now he's terribly randy. Horny as hell.
(And something in Keith's thoughts kept saying stuff about, how he and Pete were in a secret agency thing together and that they solved some big case together. Keith seemed to think that that would make Pete more likely to like him.)
Pete: *goes outside for some air.*
Keith: *comes around the corner.* "Hey, sugar. Knew you wanted it."
Pete: "Get away from me! Don't you come any closer to me, you filthy sleaze!"
Keith: *grabs both of Pete's arms and pins him against the side of the building.* "I'm not going anywhere, if you're not coming with me."
Pete: *struggles to get away, but doesn't do any good.* "Fuck off!"
Keith: "Testy, testy." *licks Pete's neck.* "Be a good boy... And maybe I'll give ya a treat."
Pete: *leans to try to bite Keith.*
Keith: *grabs Pete's wrists tighter.* "Naughty! Now you're not gonna get any candy! Bad, bad boy!" *pushes his lower body against Pete.*
Pete: *is (as you hopefully remember,) viciously turned on. And pushes his lower body back against Keith's.* "Mmmm.."
Keith: "That's more like it." *starts to molest the hell out of a somewhat willing Pete.*
Suddenly a car pulls up in front of the building. (Pete and Keith are in the alley next to the building though, so they were kind of hidden.)
Pete: *pulls away slightly and looks around the corner of the building, at the car.* "Oh my God! It's Roger!!" (Whisper-yelling)
Keith: "So?" *pushes Pete against the building again.*
Pete: *yanks away from Keith. This time, actually managing to escape the smaller man's grasp.* "He's gonna know! Oh my God!.... He's gonna know what I did!!" *tries to pull himself together and make himself more presentable. After a few deep breathes, He goes around the corner.*
(Roger and Pete were a couple in the dream.)
Roger: *smiles when he sees Pete.* "Pete! Hi, hon. Are you on lunch now?"
Pete: *smiles weakly.* "I think I could be." *opens the door and yells to the boss.* "Can I please have my lunch break now?"
Keith: *is making eyes at Pete and smiling deviously at Roger.*
Boss: *notices that Pete's overly upset.* "Okay."
So Pete and Roger get into Roger's car and drive off.
On the drive there, Pete is overly nervous. And Roger starts to get suspicious. Roger keeps asking what is wrong, but Pete keeps saying, "it's nothing."
After a while they get to a burger place with outside tables. (And I noticed that John Entwistle was working in the burger place in the background.)
Now Roger is getting kind of ticked off because Pete won't tell him what's going on. Somehow, (I don't remember how right now.) Roger finds out that Keith was creeping on Pete. But he still doesn't know that Pete liked it.
Roger: "I'm gonna go kick his ass!! How DARE he touch you like that!!"
Pete: *is freaking out because Keith is his friend and he didn't want Roger to hurt him... Even if Keith WAS a creep.* "No! No. Please.. It's okay. I'm fine now. Really.
Roger: "NO! He's a fucked up freak and I'm gonna deal with him!" *gets in the car.* "Come on! We're leaving. I'm gonna go and find him."
Pete: "Uhhh..... Uh...." *nervously fidgeting.* *slowly gets into the car.*
They drive back to the record store, where Keith is still sitting on the curb.
Roger: *flies out of the car.* "Get your ass over here!!"
Keith: *stands up.* "What do you want?" *glares at him.*
Roger: "I'm here to beat the crap out of you!" *swings at him.*
Keith: *somewhat dodges the blow.* "What for?" *smiles maliciously.*
Roger: "Don't play stupid! How dare you touch my Pete like that!!" *swings again, hitting Keith this time.*
Keith: *falls back a bit and clutches his stomach where he'd been hit.* "Ha haha! Oh! Thaaat! Didn't he tell you about the stuff HE did to me?"
Roger: *looks baffled.* "What? He didn't do anything! You're the sorry little bitch that pushed your luck! Don't try to blame him for anything!!"
Pete: *is standing by the car looking terrified.*
Keith: "Come on, blondie-boy! Do it! I dare you to try! Fuckin' fag!"
Roger gets REALLY pissed off and hits Keith a few more times, and finally Pete steps in.
Pete: *drags Roger away.* "Stop!! Stop it!!!"
Roger calms down a little, and Keith is just sitting on the pavement, somewhat beat up. But still laughing.
Keith: "Ya see? Look how your boyfriend's trying to protect me! What does that tell ya about his loyalty to you? I'll tell you why he will always keep comin' back to me, and ending up on my side.... Me and him, we've got a special bond. I say it's from working together in the agency. I need him. He needs me. Ya get it?"
Roger: "Shut up!!"
Keith: "If you don't believe me... Ask him. Ask him what we were doing in the alley before you got here. Ask him what he did to me."
Roger: *looks annoyed.* "I don't have to. He doesn't lie to me!"
Pete: O_O *gulps.* "Uhhh...."
Keith: *laughs like a maniac.*
Roger: *looks at Pete.* "Right?"
Pete: O_o "Uuhhhhhhhhhh........"
Keith: "He sure doesn't seem too looooyaaal"
Roger: (To Keith) "Shut up!" (To Pete) "Riiight, Pete??"
Pete: ".................OKAY!! I'm sorry!! I was just really desperate! And he started the whole thing!!"
Roger: "WHAT!!?!!"
Keith: *laughs.*
Pete: "I'm sorry, Roger! Nothing that bad happened. I promise! I swear! I am so, so sorry! Oh God.. Please, Rog.. Forgive me?"
Roger: *totally befuddled.* "....I need some time to think about this... I have to go..." *gets in his car and drives away.*
Pete: *heartbroken.* "KEITH!! God damn it! This is ALL YOUR FAULT!!! You ruined EVERYTHING!!" *goes back into the store to finish his shift.*
Keith: *gets bored and decides to go to Led Zeppelin's hotel to visit them.* *shows up at their door... Still in only his underwear.*
Keith and Led Zeppelin are hanging out together for a while, then Jimmy asks, "Where are Pete and Roger? I thought they'd be here by now."
Keith: "They are having a fight;. Roger broke up with Pete for cheating on him."
Jimmy: *doesn't believe that Pete would do that to Roger. But feels bad for Pete cause he got dumped.* "I'll be back later."
( In the background, Bonham was running away from Robert. Whom was chasing him because he played that "you said yes" joke, one too many times.)
Jimmy: *goes to Pete's house to visit him.* *knocks on the door.*
Pete: *answers the door.* "Oh! Jimmy!!" *hugs Jimmy and starts to sob.*
Jimmy goes into the house and the two of them sit on the couch together for a long time, talking. They are snuggling on the couch and suddenly everything gets very quiet.
Jimmy: (After a long silence.) "Pete? I really like you. I always have. I know that now is not the best time to say this. But I don't know if the chance may ever come again.... I love you, Pete."
Pete: *looks shocked.* "Really?..... Jimmy, I love you too." *slowly starts to kiss Jimmy.*
Jimmy: *tries not to kiss him back, but does so anyway.*
After a while of them making out, the doorbell rings.
Pete: *jolts away from Jimmy. Stands up quickly and goes to open the door.* "Wait.. I'll bet it's Keith... I am NOT opening the door if it's Keith."
Jimmy: *gets up and walks over to the door.* "I'll get it." *smiles gently at Pete.*
Pete: *goes back to the couch to hide behind a pillow.*
Jimmy: *opens the door and looks surprised.* "Roger?"
Roger: *standing at the door with a bouquet of flowers.* "Jimmy? What are you doing here?"
Pete: *jumps up from the couch.* "Roger?! I had no idea you'd be coming by." *looks at Jimmy nervously.*
Roger: *looks back and forth between Pete and Jimmy.* "Pete? What's going on here?"
Jimmy : *hangs his head guiltily.*
Pete: "Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh........."
Roger: "I need to think some more....... I gotta go......" *leaves quickly.*
Jimmy: "I have to leave too. I'm sorry about all this." *leaves.*
Pete: *curls up on the couch, devastated.*
Jimmy: *gets back to the hotel.*
Keith: "So how did it go?"
Jimmy: "Um.. I don't feel like talking about it." *goes off to the other room and lies down in the bed.*
Robert: *finally stops chasing Bonham.* *goes over to Keith.* "What's wrong with Jimmy?"
Keith: "He's just disappointed that he didn't get to get into Pete's pants."
Robert: *looks surprised.* ".... Oh.... Well. That's fine. Whatever. I don't care who Jimmy tries to fuck around with.. Cause he's just my friend! Ya know.... We're only.... Friends! Yeah. Um.." *walks off.*