Dec 07, 2008 22:51
this is going to be a little excruciating of a post. I dislocated my wrist at the company christmas party this weekend, so my right hand is going to be somewhat out of commission for at the least a couple weeks. It has pretty limited mobility right now, pretty swollen and can't really swivel at all, very inconvenient. My first milestone with it will be tomorrow when I attempt to button up my pants (as I don't own any sweatpants these days which might make getting dressed much more convenient).
Also, due to Sallie Mae, and their online troubles (at least with me) my payment went through 11 days after I submitted payment. The good thing, they didn't consider the payment late... the bad thing is that I thought it had gone through and spent accordingly, so I had two overdraft fees when it went through on Wednesday, so I'm chillin' at negative 120-something at the moment. I'm set as far as expenses go until I get paid again on friday (except maybe another bottle of ibuprofen) but it still sucks.
I guess in good news, it seems as though we've selected our new vocalist, that being Josh's brother Caleb... the other guy we were going to try out basically couldn't put forth enough time or effort right now. Hearing him this last week, he sounds a lot better. Of course it'll take a while for him to find his niche and get confident with the songs, but viva la vocalist. Soon we can get back to writing new material which is my favorite thing (I have nothing to say in words, so I don't write lyrics, but my fingers gots plenty to say).
So, I guess some negative things have happened to me in the last few weeks, but for some reason, I'm still happy. Hope that continues.
christmas party,