
Readercon, Interlude: Wait, What? Really?

Jul 19, 2009 19:54

I've been distracted from Readercon updates by a number of things, not least by getting voted onto the Readercon ConCom. Wait, what? The first meeting was frustrating but fruitful, harrowing[1] but hopeful, and an impressive amount of energy considering the con just happened last weekend. People care, a lot, and that is good. Anything I say on LJ (unless I say otherwise) is of course my personal opinion and not the opinion of Readercon as a whole, but that said, please do point me at things that you think I should read (I've probably read some of them already but I'm sure I missed things) and if you want to say something to me but not on LiveJournal, I'm at rachel@akrasiac.org.

Many of you will not be surprised to find out that I've been made the minutes-taker for meetings because of my tendency to write down everything anyone says ever. :) More later, now is recovering-before-work-tomorrow time. Also, I will post about not-Readercon sometime soon, I promise.

[1] And, Greer-like, I do mean "the tilling of soil in order to place things there that can then grow" and not just "painful."


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