Dec 04, 2005 19:07
Well what can i say alot has happened since i wrote last .... where do i start
my graduation summer was a blast me and josh moved in together ... we got a cute little basement-sweet in the new houses in Garrison crossing, we went to Merrit and Tulameen days and stuff i dont really remember all that i did in the summer because it was a while ago but yeah it was fun summer alot did happen my sister moved away again and my parents moved out of chilliwack to cloverdale while they waited for all there papers to go through for imagration to texas .....
There has been so much change since i graduated that it hast even cought up to me yet my small little safe world has expanded and changed the people have changed and my enviroment is definalty changed and will never be the same
everyone has gone there seprate ways ashley has gone east for school, ryan moved to surrey, Jordan is off in miami and im starting my life as an american down in texas wich is a hard move to do i think but i feel safe because my boyfriend wants to go with me which is a big wieght off my sholders because i would hate to be away from him <333
Living on my own wasnt as hard as everyone has made it out to be in the past 3 months i have had like 4 different jobs its kinda sad that im too lazy to keep a job
its really weird that everything that is so familiar is going to be gone its scares me but hey like i bitched about like this time last year in this journal this is exacally what i wanted its just different when it actually happens
so im sitting hear at joshes mom house watching the clock as my last 5 hours left in canada im sorry to those i didnt have a chance to say goodbye too but i wont be gone forever i will always come back to visit ....
next time that i write i will be a TEXAN y'all!!!!!