Jun 16, 2004 12:05
so i havent updated since last week.. hrmm saturday..so after the cruise and everything i went to ashleys house at 9am knowone was home so i curled up in her bed and slept til like 4 then ashley came home i dont remember what we did for the rest of the afternoon porb something lame like watch tv and eat... around 8 we went over to carlys house with matt and brent .. ashley and i had gotten a 2'6 of malibu and we just hung out with tarin,ryan,dustin,howie,matt,brent,nick,chris,and carly it was a good nite .. brent and his bubble rap... matt being horny, tarin running.. my hair dryer mine and ashleys bathroom seshes ... *ahh its over flowing*(what would you do if i peed on the wall) "lets take a shower"*SIT BY THE DOOR!!!* good effing times ..we watched texas chainsaw massicure the ryan rapped while i did matts hair.. "MY STAR IT GLOWS""theirs 2 there" lol .. after tarin fell asleep at like 2 we all 8 of us cramed in dustins car and went to matts house ... we all put on carlys b-suit .. we got changed in matts driveway... *matt creeps around corner* (ashley says drunkenly) " its ok we are all dresses"( while her shirt isnt on all the way, matt yells NO YOU ARENT*covers eyes***jen and carly laugh*** we all went into matts hot tub smoked some weed..i remember being in the garage with matt *shrugs sholders* dont know why lol...carly left 3:30 and then we left like 1/2 An hour later wentto sleep