Feb 23, 2013 22:34
back in the 1980s, i used to think that the production work Trevor Horn and his associates did on their ZTT product and other ventures sounded timeless. it seemed like the sound of infinity to me.
in a different way, due to different production styles and effect, i thought the same of OMD and Bill Nelson.
so much time has elapsed since then, so much pot has not been smoked and acid not dropped and so many days have slipped away. somehow it all seems so much smaller to my ear, to my mind, to my heart and to my soul now. it seems distant, a bit naive and well, nostalgic. age seems to have run away with parts of my soul. and, surprisingly, i'm ambivalent about it.
what's interesting to me is that if i listen to a recording of Joseph Schwantner's _and the mountains rising nowhere_ these days, it seems much more timeless to me than it did back in the 80s when i first knew his work and played that piece. i find it strange because there was at least a 10-year stretch where i thought parts of that piece (and a lot of Schwantner's output...) were gaudy and dated. now, i find it akin to meditation--truly suspended in the moment, out of time and therefore timeless.