Feb 15, 2009 09:38
i pulled 3 cards to find out what i should be aware of today. i was using the tarot of the witches deck, which has plain pips and is often hard to read. here's what i got:
8 of wands
knight of wands
page of wands
so, i thought to myself, let's pull 2 more cards for each of the three to flush their meanings out a bit. here's what came out of that:
8 of wands: 4 of swords, 6 of pentacles reversed
knight of wands: 10 of wands, 5 of wands
page of wands: justice reversed, the tower reversed
i pulled out three other decks (hurley/new tarot, tarot nova and morgan-greer) and laid the same spread out to look at it from the points of view of other decks.
looks like it's telling me a bunch about:
the value of time (watch out for expenditures/investments that seem good but are ill motivated and don't pan out that way; spend your time on a higher goal)
the need to charge ahead with my plans and my music work but not toil unnecessarily
to make sure that all lines of communication are trustworthy and true--they need to be measured against truth and ones that aren't true have to be weeded out early. i think this may have something also to do with the actual piece i'm writing. i get the sense that the message the page brings is what i'm saying musically in my symphony. that's why the tower is reversed--if it has a firm and true foundation, it won't fall.
yay tarot!