a whole bunch of dead people have shown up on my doorstep this week. yes, dead people. a lot of them.
dead bodies.
and no, i don't mean spirits (well, not only spirits). i mean dead bodies. it's been very gruesome. creepy, even.
you see, there were all these illegal immigrants that got blackmailed and killed. it was bound up with Nazis, Chinese gangsters and a world renowned artist. luckily, my friend Countess Chester-leg (the world renowned artist herself) was able to help the police inspector, Mr. Monaghan, figure that one out.
right now, there are dead people all around--NSA agents, nail artists, country bumpkins, gas station attendants and more. plus, there is a very sexy transwoman who is in the middle of it all. she's mysterious, both man and woman, both herself and other and not only does she like moxie, she has it in spades.
well, by now, you've probably guessed it. i've been reading mystery novels. but not just any mystery novels. these are mystery novels written by dear friends of mine. LiveJournal users, even. yesterday i absolutely devoured Murder On The Waterfront: A Countess of Chesterleigh Mystery by my dear sweet coven sister
mrscogan. Tonight, I'm working on The Life And Deaths Of Carter Falls (the first in a series of four novels featuring the world's first-ever transgender mystery star, Clair Daniels, formerly Daniel St. Claire) by the amazing
i'm having an absolute blast with it all. it's so cool to have such talented friends and to read their work and hear their voices and picture them in the characters and all.
i should have done this years ago. thank goodness i'm doing it now.