Does anyone remember this gem of a bitch post? It came about mid October of last year, where I dissected all the rules because someone actually dared to say, "What if some people don't have common sense?" lmao. And I was so astonished that some people can use, "Oh, I have no common sense," as an excuse for rule breaking and bitching at mods that I picked apart major rules and explained them to the masses. I'm giving it to you again, not because I'm angry, but just because it needs to be kept around. I've edited it a little bit. Enjooyy.
It has been brought to my attention that some people lack any common sense what so ever. So let me clarify. Okay? I'll go through some of the rules.
1. Know your character. Simple. If you Role Play like a n00b, you'll get treated like one. But, none of us really KNOW these people, so their personalities are up for interpretation. There is no specific way to play a specific person. Characters for the band's friends are allowed but only if they are an actual friend. Original characters are allowed as long as they have some sort of job (roadie, sound tech, merch guy, etc.) Also, bringing IC drama into the OOC repeatedly is grounds for deletion. Same thing with OOC drama into the IC.
Your character does not = you with a new name and in some cases a dick. Yeah, interpret them but if you're playing someone like Manson, and he's off skipping in fields of flowers and going "zomg I love babies." Then there's an issue. Duh. You can play anyone with a purpose. You can not, however, do the following:
-Drop storylines because of an OOC personal issue. I don't care if they stole your boyfriend, your lunch money and your cat, there's no need for it.
-Take people's character's actions out on them OOC. It's a game, you guys. And if you start bullying people because of storylines... that's uncalled for.
2. If you're interested in joining, fill out the application, and unless there are any major problems, you'll be accepted. Yes, you DO need a character journal and an AIM. WAIT TO BE ACCEPTED BEFORE YOU ADD ANYONE. Please read the FAQ before you apply.
The application is not that hard, and we're generally easy to handle. Fill it out, do it right, be accepted. BEFORE YOU ARE ACCEPTED, read the FAQ. And also, DO NOT: Join the community, friend people, AND RP WITH MEMBERS AS THEY PERTAIN TO THIS COMMUNITY. Is that clear enough for you now?
3. No webspeak. And please, try to at least have some sort of grammar.
Spell check, learn to spell the easy words like tomorrow and definitely and necessarily. Write decent sentences and don't LOL during RP that isn't your characters IMing each other. Do not throw action into chats, either. If it's a chat, it's an AIM thing not a characters gathered in a room thing, unless stated at the start.
4. Serious issues like m-preg and character death need to be discussed with a mod first. This is Warped Tour, people. Please remember to be semi-realistic. Yeah, this isn’t a completely AU RP, but we’re willing to be open minded. And yes, this is Slash. Sorry if that wasn't clear before. Female membership is closed as of July 23, 2006. Character death must be approved by a mod.
The word like is very key in here. Serious issues like death and m-preg. Serious issues on the level of death and m-preg. These issues include the obvious death, m-preg, and continue on to include anything that could effect the course of the RP for anyone that comes in after you. If you're not sure what that is... ASK.
8. Two characters at max per person. You may not be two people in the same band and no god-play unless given permission.
You do not control other people in this RP. You will not hold a Monopoly on a band's decisions.
10. If you don't follow the rules, you get kicked. I have no problem banning people.
Stop fucking with us, we're tired of it.
11. Please don't join if you expect people to tell you how to RP. You can do storybook or asterisk, it doesn't matter. Also, if you're going to recycle a journal from another RP, please make sure you're not still a member of that community, it's blank, and you don't have any friends on it from past RPs.
We don't care how you RP. We just would love it if you were somewhat good at whatever method you're using.
12. You have to actually participate, you can't just write a story.
Do not sign up just to not RP with ANYONE and to just make up outside characters and write about them. There's a reason there are other people here. And please try to take advantage of as MANY people's RP as you can. It only makes your storylines stronger.
13. Characters are non-transferable. Meaning, if one of your friends wants to take over your character, you have to pull them first and then they can apply.
This is not a game of musical characters, act accordingly.
Now. To add on to that. Pulling and holding. If you are going on a hiatus, do not have us pull you. It's pointless. BUT IF YOU DO, for some reason, you are required to REAPPLY. Yes, reapply. Required. I don't care who you are or how much we like you. AND if you are RPing with people before you have reapplied and been accepted, we will not allow you back in. And we will not allow you to pull, come back, pull again, come back.. there is no revolving door. That's it.
Honestly. If you need shit spelled out for you so literally then I really think you need to open your eyes a little and do some seeing and thinking.
P.S. - Before a select few people freak out, no one's kicking you out. The universe is made up of billions of galaxies, stars, planets, all revolving around one point. That point, is not you.