Oh My

Aug 19, 2008 21:33

Things I have to say;

I want to watch SKY OF LOVE <3 [: Since most of my friends
who have watched it, LOVED IT. Which means I am going to 
love it as well! However one problem, I can't find it online anywhere :[
Checked Mysoju, Youtube, Veoh, and Crunchyroll. It's been deleted
in YT and Crunchyroll so I was mad :[ In Veoh, Idk. It was other
stuff -.-"

Second; French is a pretty cool class now [[:
One problem. As soon as I was getting good at it...
Here comes the numbers :O I have to practice
15 mins a day. Then on Thursday, me and my
friend, Jenna Li, have to go up front to do a little
skit. Just a short little conversation in French which
I memorized but now we had to add in asking
for the phone numbers x] Isn't that lovely? xD

Third; I am pretty busy with school actually.
I am getting lazier each day to go visit AF but since
I love my friends there, I still manage to sneak on the
morning xD I'm getting late with my updates yo! xD

FOURTH; I have reached 100+ plus pics of just Teukie
himself xD roflmao. Ain't I obsessed? Yeah, I am xD

Well that is all for today [:




super junior, school, life, french

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