(no subject)

Nov 08, 2009 09:13

I'm FINALLY back on LJ :p But of course I'm still on hiatus :[ I finished homework last night so I have time to post today (: To everyone who had their birthday, while I was away; I'm sorry :[ Happy Super Duper Late Belated Birthday~ Recently; School has been driving me insane. I feel like my life is terribly boring 2/3 of the time :p I have nothing to talk about anymore :[ I'm not even up-to-date with my fandom! School, and Ejay are keeping me occupied :p Well Ejay only like 2 days a week :[ I wish I could see him everyday because he makes the problems go away. Oh that little boy <3 I haven't seen him for a whole week now because of this Pathfinders thing at a different church :p Plus his phone got confiscated because his mom is evil D: Since I've been gone; Things between me and Ejay have been------complicated because of his mom. She really dislikes me. I don't know why. I heard she use to like to me a lot before and always talked good about me. There's no reason for her to not like me now. She should be HAPPY that I'm TAKING CARE of her beloved son :p Since according to what I've observed and heard; She pays more attention to Ejay's younger brother than him :p

Me and Ejay are going strong though :D November 4;6 months of love! [: I post at tumblr about my feelings because it goes way faster than livejournal XD


I also go on facebook more than myspace because it's faster. I can't wait for stuff to load anymore. My time will pass by XD

Updates on School;
I'm currently a straight A student ;D ohhh~ WHUUUUUT?! XD
Well 2 A- actually [x I have a hard time in Chemistry and French "( But I am trying my hardest to maintain those A- ! I want it at elast a 93% so I wouldn't have to worry so much :p It's barely the 2nd quarter. I have to keep this up the WHOLE YEAR. I want to prove to people that I can do BETTER although I have a boyfriend since adults keep thinking I'll do bad :p I NEVER do bad in school :p Ridiculous theories by adults :p I'm more determined now because I want to stay with Ejay AND I want fandom stuff [x I still want to support my fave fandoms by buying their stuff although I barely get updates :(

Updates on Friends;
Oh gosh. I don't know. I feel so left out right now. Our group has gone through this "fading away" phase three times already. Here comes the 4th time :| This new girl came in our group and my best friend likes her but I don't because she's Indonesian but she claims to HATEEEE Asians :| I want to understand her but I can't. She says the only special Asians are Koreans. I love Koreans and all but that hurts to know she hates Asians. BUT most of her friends are Asians which makes no sense at all DDDD< Half the group likes her; the other don't :p I haven't been hanging out with Daughtie M cause that girl is always with her. I've been with Daughtie j, Cristina/SOulmate, and Yvonne/Ninjuh. HOWEVER Now I feel left out when with them. At first, it was all good but now I feel like they're hiding something from me -.-" I don't know. Maybe I just feel depressed this week because Ejay's gone and nobody's really there to cheer me up. I honestly feel like I have no best friend anymore besides Ejay. He's the only person who I feel understands me, listens to me ALL THE TIME, and never gets mad at me :[ My other friends misunderstand me a lot. They tend to think I'm mad at them when I'm not so they avoid me and I feel all bad because I don't know what I did so I think they're mad at me. *Sigh. They said they're scared of me. I didn't even do anything :[ I don't know. I haven't made any new friends this school year either :| I'm not very social. I really miss my old friends now. Too bad I lost two of them because of stupid reasons. I only have Mommy Nadinne left.

Well I shall read some of your entries; Sorry if I don't add a comment because sometimes I don't know what to say :[

Yna loves you all (;

fandom, love, school, life, friends

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