Aug 12, 2009 19:45

Well school started today. It was fun fun fun<3
Friends. Walk to dairy queen. LOLing. 
BUT I'm in FRENCH III. That's NOT great. I'm suppose to
be in French II but there's no room so I have to learn
BOTH French II & III. Freaking rawr. So much work.
Plus in my chemistry class, our grades are being graded
like this; 70% depends on our tests. 23% on labs. 7% Homework.
I do bad on both tests and labs which means FAILURE.
You guys, I really need everyone's help/encouragement this year.
I will be busting my ass off for both classes. 
I will be on my tumblr and facebook more often now. Have either?
Want to add me? :D Well for tumblr it's


&& for facebook, you have to type Yna Calderon [:

What else to say---- I'm looking forward to GD's solo album.
I have a SJ SHIRT :D Daughtie J/Jaimee got it for me [:
She's giving it to me maybe hmm next week? :p She couldn't
use the pic 
inny_cent made for me though :p That's okay,
it's my background now<3 Such beautiful TeukHae love<3 XD
I will print it one day, it's too beautiful to just stay on the
computer :p Another updatel OHHHHH~
Jaimee bought a Big Bang DVD. I think it's the Global Warning
Concert one [; We shall watch it ------- SOON~
*hugs >:D< *muah :D

fandom, school, life, friends

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