(no subject)

Jul 30, 2009 20:45

 Hehe, I just copied the questions from 
 I like these questions so yeah XD ahaha~ 
I'm bored so this is what I'm doing :o Hmm, I feel like
I need a new layout and new icons :p Anyways [:

1. What is your favorite all time ship out of any fandom and why?

If we're talking about REAL Romance, then it's hands down Mark Herras and Jennylyn Mercado. I've been such a TOPAK {MarkJen fanclub} for the longest time. I don't care what other people say. I know I support other love teams in the Philippines but Mark&Jen will always be number 1 to me. They really have gone through a lot. How I wish they'd get back together and just get married. They said so themselves that if they do get back again, they'll make sure that that will be the last time--meaning no more break ups [; You know what that means! However if we're talking about BROmance~ Then I obviously ship TeukHae like no other~ lol. TeukHae---BAM~ You'll immediately think of ME :D

2. What would you name your first child if you had to right now?
Rofl. Okay so Ejay and me always talk about this. We agreed on Donghae for the boy and Yna for the girl. He's in love with my name -.-" He was all "So Yna Junior." I was all "Junior's for guys, silly." Ejay: Really? Then Yna what? LOL. Anyways but we changed again :p He said he might get jelly if I SAY "Donghae, I love you." So we switched to Jason but then he said he might get jelly again XD { There's this super duper adorable half Korean/Filipino baby at church that I use to call my boyfriend XD } But seriously, I've never thought of names before so I guess I'll go with those ^^

3. What was the last book you read?
Umm. I seriously do not know. Wait~ I had to read To Kill A Mockingbird because it was a requirement for us :p

4. If you could marry any guy on earth, who would it be and why?
Lee Donghae<3 Ejay Myron Tumulak(: Is there even a need to explain? This boy err guy means everything to me<3 I don't know why that would ever change. It's been almost 2 years since we've been best friends [: Feelings eventually developed ;D He's just too good to be true actually. He makes me so haeppy<3 Loving.Caring.Funny.Nice.Ugh~Everything good. I still call him a litto boy but he's starting to grow up XD LOL~ What is this?! PEDO STATUS?! XD HAHA~ He can be pretty attractive/hot/sexy [; But he's mostly adorable<3 Personality+looks wise is really adorable<3 And can you believe he's NEVER been mad at ME? I wonder how I'd handle him when he does XD  And the MOST important reason; I love him to death<3

5. Have you ever wished your name was something else, if so, what?
Nope :p I always liked my name(: I love it actually [: Idk why~ I've never met another person named Romina or Yna. Well I met other people who's name sounded similar to Yna but it's spelled like Ina, Ynnah, Ena, etc. [; So I feel special (:


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