(no subject)

Jul 26, 2009 10:11

 Last week. Bad.Bad.Bad/Ok.YAY.ASDXFRAWR!<333 Yup [: Monday.Tuesday.Wednesday.Thursday.Friday. That's how I felt those days ^^

I thought I really had to break up with Ejay but I didn't have to [: Well if I do something again, then I will for real next time ;----------; It's not fair :[ I'm not good at controlling my anger :p  But anyways [:

Wednesday was hang out day with the "Daughtie M" =D We went to go watch Transformers 2 [: Ha yes, it was a first for me to watch XD I'm usually not allowed to go watch movies in the movies itself cause of my parents ;p They think I'm going to do something bad in there, which is weird XD

Thursday; I went to this place called Cabazon [: So many outlets ;D I can't believe I actually bought clothes. I usually don't get anything when I go there :p I got 3 pants, and other stuff XD LOL. I got this one pretty dress and like a blazer. Then 4 tops<3 [: I'm not good at naming types of clothing XDD I usually don't go shopping cause I think it's a burden and plus I usually can't get what I want but that day it was different[: Then we went to this yummy Vietnamese restaurant<33 I can go there everyday XD LOL~

I talked to my mom about Ejay ;p She let it go but she's really serious. She says I need to change ;----------; But but, I don't know how D< I have a lot of pet peeves and my mom constantly does them so I always go crazy ;p We never get along so it's no fair ;p

Friday; Church[: Ejay<33333333333333 Ahaha. That's all there is to it XD Saturday was also good [: Friday and Saturday made up for the whole week AND last SATURDAY. Last Saturday, I kinda got mad at him ;p But it's all good now [: I took pictures but gah on my cellphone ;-----------; I still can't get my pics from my cell to the comp cause no USB ;p I have to develop my pictures then scan and then upload ;p How lame , right? I need to take moar with Ejay ;p With our normal clothes, and not always church clothes XD PLUS OOOOOOH~ We might go kayaking [: ( that's how you spell it right? XD )

Sorry if I haven't been commenting a lot lately ;p I've been so captivated by manga ;--------------; Such interesting stories, and characters and gahhh. Loveeee<3 LOL~ Sorry no cut :p TOO LAZY XD LOL~ I LOVE YOU F-LIST [:

♥Ejay, life

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