Like a statue~

Jul 09, 2009 09:23

Baby sent it to me last night on myspace comments [: I was still on but I was talking to him on myspace IM so I never checked my comments because myspace was being a poopie XD lol~ But I saw it this morning ^^  Man, he's so sweet and cute ! My definition of cute is different from most people here XD When I say cute, they think I mean looks wise only but for me I really do focus more on their personalities/ action [: Idk why XD lololol. But that's how I am [: && I ADORE Ejay's personality<3 Sometimes I wish I was like him never getting  mad but I'm Romina/Yna---I'm who I'm cut out to be and he does love me the way I am (: Hmmmm---LOL.I suddenly remembered our conversation last night. So weird. Licking and biting? Okay that sounds really weird and maybe pervy ish right now but whatever comes out of Ejay sounds so innocent. Not even joking.He really has no pervy side to him. He's so naive and I don't know how to deal with it so I just say whatever XD LOL. I remember when he asked me about HR and HR is something me and my friends made up that mean Hormones Raging XD ROFL. { LOLOLOL } And I didn't tell him until IDK but he still doesn't get what it means which always makes me crack up XD SO SLOW. Then he asked me what do you do in a honeymoon. He thought it was only one day and then you go home XD I didn't want to tell him but he's all "No, I want you to tell me. You're my girlfriend." Cause I told him to ask someone else and not me. && what's even weirder is that although I tell him the things he does/say is weird, in reality, it doesn't bother me at all. I'm okay with him being that way. I think everything about him is cute now. And I don't even know. XDDD ROFL. I don't make sense anymore cause of him!!! X] But ahh I'm so touched right now<3 I feel loved by him [: I can cry tears of joy XD Sometimes I feel like Ejay is all I need because he's really everything I want, I need. He loves a lot, cares a lot.I don't think I'll need anything else  but his love [:


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