No kissing the fish~

Jul 06, 2009 23:53

 I don't know what I'm going to do nowadays. I think I'm getting crazier because of Ejay XD This boy is driving me insane----in a good way. Right when I thought he couldn't get any hypher after him talking about marriage--here he goes again. He was oh so very hypher like 20 minutes ago. He was being such a fanboy... OVER ME. I didn't even think it was possible. He even said so himself. IDC WHAT OTHERS DAY D< HE IS NOT FEMININE TO ME!--Just weird yet I find him adorable weird<3 [: Well he wasn't hypher the first time. He called me and it sounded like he was crying--he was D< I was so sad and I wanted to make him feel better but then his mom caught him and so he had to go :( It's really sad that people pick on him by using his weakness which is right now--me[although it's weird to say that it's me]. Others think that he only cares about me but it's not true. Ejay STILL loves and cares about the people he did love and care for before we were going out. But they all think that he only cares about me. Don't they understand us? We only see each other once or twice a week and those other people who get mad at Ejay for talking to me get to see him more often. They don't know how much they hurt Ejay with their words and it kills me every time seeing his sad face. Well he had to get off the phone and I didn't even get to cheer him up yet--HOWEVER he got online and THEN it all started [: So I guess Ejay can't take it when I'm sweet XD He was going all crazy saying he's dying. It was seriously such a FANBOY MODE. It was ridiculously adorable<3 I'd love to explain it in detail but I can't XD It's all in our myspace comments and I saved the myspace IM conversation we had at the same time<3 [: I was really happy that he felt better after talking to me online because I was already on the verge of crying when he had to hung up on me and I didn't get a chance to make him feel better. He called me again at like 11 ish and was making such weird sound effects and was REALLY HYPHER. If I have to mention some of the things he said it would be that hmmm he forced me to call him a man and I told him I rarely call Hae a man. I still call Hae a boy and Ejay was saying the things he'd do if he had a Donghae pillow [he has a pillow named after me] and I told him "Hey! That's going too far. No abusing Donghae!" Then I said I don't even call Boom a silly man and he's a silly man {Ejay wanted me to say silly man instead of silly boy but Silly+Man doesn't match in my world.} So I called him Silly Man. THEN HE SAID "No kissing the fish" and I was like "What?!" And LITERALLY STARTED LAUGHING ON THE FLOOR. He was talking about the DONGHAE fish [If you guys read the other previous entries, he said we're going to get 13 fishes when we get married and name them after each SJ member] and that he'll get really mad and won't sleep next to me OR if I feed the fish too much, he'll get the fish and separate it from the others and talk to it saying "You stole my wife." ROFL. Srsly, this boy is the MOST AMAZING PERSON that's EVER walked in MY LIFE<3 How I wish I could tell you all the things he does and say to me<3 He completes me, period<3 

love, personal, life, ejay

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