Baby x33

Jun 01, 2009 19:57

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Why hello there f-list (: I came back to boast about my litto boyfriend over here who c-walks.
I'm proud(: But yeah, I never got to write about May 25 :p It was over all a good day x3 I wish
Ejay stayed till 10 though but he had to leave by like 7 pm that time :| How lame.

And I'm still on hiatus. I should be finishing projects right now but I'm too lazy. Plus
it's not due tille June 4, and June 8. So yes, I have time to XD lol.

Hmm what else to say. So June 4=One Month for me and baby ^^
I bet he'll end up reading this cause he's a sneaky little boy. I'd tell him to go
get a livejournal but he'd have no friends but me XD LOL.

Hmm what else. OH YEAH! I saw a Hae - Teuk - Kang In pic XD
They were all kind of hugging ish. I saw it in the comm sjloveaday <3
But being the biased me wanted only lotso lotso TeukHae pics XDD

And I cannot wait for episode 8 of Atashinchi No Danshi!
Sho+Chisato is adorable ;D I am routing for them! Rabu rabu x3 [[;
I can't believe I didn't notice who was playing Sho when I watched him in
Mei-chan No Shitsuji. It was the white hair and white everything [[x lol.
&& may I add that AsianMediaWiki is BOMB?! XDD

I knew I had more to say but I forgot :|
Well I love you guys x3
I will be back very soon!!!

fandom, personal

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