Hate is a strong word~

Mar 19, 2009 16:01

PARENTS SUCK XP They never follow their word really. When I grow up and have my kids, I'll be a parent who follows my own word. They tell you to not do this and not to do that but when they do it and you get mad at them for doing it to you, you're the one who still gets in trouble. Seriously, WTF?! It's been awhile since I've complained about my parents. Well it's not really my parents, it's just my mom. It's always my mom. I get along better with my stepdad. How sad is that? I lost my respect for her a LONG time ago. I even came to the point telling  everyone I hated her. Do I really though? Hmm, idk. I haven't argued with her for awhile but it's kicking in again. She's getting mad at me and my little sister because she failed her test. IDK how it's OUR fault. She's the one who studies--- well I see her sleep more than study. I also have to do her homework. Taking advantage of the fact that I have Spring Break still. She keeps nagging :p Saying I don't do anything. Well just to let her now for this whole week, I've been home alone with Ysah [sister] taking care of her. It's really a big thing for me because I usually don't take care of Ysah. I barely even see her when I have school -.-" I'm not close to my family at all period but I feel sad for my sister and dad when my mom just vents out her anger. It's ridiculous. Sorry you guys have to see this side of me.

personal, life

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