
Mar 01, 2009 12:40

So yesterday was mostly fun<3 I had a lovely time with my labers[: My labers consist of my best best friends<3 They know who they are [; I'm just waiting for Ommah Nadinne to upload the pics we took(: Too bad I didn't really take any with just Claudine or Ejay or Demee :p Claudine felt sick ish. Ejay came late :| Demee was busy because it was her little brother's bday party :p So Ommah and I were together most of the time. An abusive Ommah she is though~ XD LOL. But that's okay. I love our relationship <3 :DD  Well we took a "family picture" but but I ended looking weird in ALL THREE PICS D: I felt awkward cuz the person who was taking the picture wasn't really a close friend of mine so I was kind of shy :[ The person was Demee's cousin. She's chill though. Her and Demee are alike in ways XD Well I still want to keep those pictures since I barely get to take those pics with all of us. The main fam for me is Ommah Nadinne, Claudine, Demee, and Ejay. Ha my mommy, sisters, and son. Then it slowly grew and I suddenly found out I had two daughters XD rofl~ They claimed to be my daughters and I took them in. Why not? ;D We have an EPIC FAMILY NOW XD My Daughtie J is married to my ex boyfriend GDragon. Daughtie M has her lably boyfriend. I have a half Korean half Filipino baby named Jason. A son who treats ME as a KID~ A sister Claudine who wants my son Jason as her little boyfriend XD A mom who can't pick if she loves TaeYang or Uknow or DTRix from Quest XD rofl~ I got three daddies and they're all such hotties XD rofl~ [hits head. talks to self. YAH! You don't hit on your dads T_________T] I originally couldn't pick a husband since back then all of the groups I admired were equal to me. Suddenly my sons and daughters picked DIFFERENT dads ;_____; Daughtie J wanted TOP as her dad. Daughtie M picked Teukie and Ejay thought his dad was GD D: And well my baby Jason is clueless since he's still 3 XD I couldn't make Daughtie J's decision change but Daughtie M did (: She picks Hae now. LOL~ Our crazy fantasies~ Daughtie M had once thought I was going to divorce again to go to Jae Jin~ Ahh good times. I'm talking too much today, ain't I? XD

Well hmm MARCH IS HERE<3 It's March 1[: Tomorrow is HongKi's birthday, yes?(: Then at March 7;Marissa Birthday[: March=SJ's comeback. THEY WILL TAKE YOU SOMEWHERE 13EYOND YOUR IMAGINATION! XD *fangirl scream* This week is starting of good(: Plus I'm looking forward to Every1 Idol Show with SHINee as guest ;D I saw the preview. LOL. 2PM+SHINee. Did I not say it before that I love the groups I love being together? XD Whichever groups it may be. It's just too fun to watch<3 Too cute to see and too hot to handle ;D I'm talking nonsense ain't I? XD

ft island, shinee, super junior, big bang, life, 2pm

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