Jan 05, 2009 16:06

SuJu's Photobook+2009 Calendar
Was it always $54.99?! Someone answer me O.O My dad said he was going to let me buy stuff but now hmmm. I REALLY WANT THIS AND THEIR 3RD ALBUM COMING OUT D: I only have $190. To me that isn't much because I DONT HAVE A JOB D: I can barely handle keeping all my grades all A's so I haven't gotten a job ;____; I want to work during summer time then. That is definitely my goal this summer and 2009. To get my first real job ever to earn money to support my beloved loves like Super Junior(: Plus buy clothes(; LOL. Aish~ If that's now $55 and their 3rd album will be like hmm maybe around $15 [is that how much usual albums cost? I can't remember :] or $20. I'd still have $115 but I do offering at church every Saturdays. Oh well~ it's for church. I'm helping other people. I can do this(:

super junior, life

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