Back To School D:

Dec 01, 2008 06:05

Definitely NOT excited about it :[ It's 6:08 am right now and I got to go at 6:40 :p I'm not even ready yet -.-" Before I go to school I shall do this thingy xD

Tagged by polaroidsho_ts and futacute(:

1. Post about something that made you happy today, even if it’s just a small thing.
2. Do this every day for a week without fail.
3. Tag 8 of your friends to do the same.

Today, I read a lovely comment from polaroidsho_ts:D

& omo,everyday. I will try.. I CAN DO THIS! XD lol lol.

I can't tag the people who tagged me can I? XD
I'm doing it anyways! :D I know a lot of people in my friends list are on hiatus so this is extremely hard right now XD Fine, those who don't go everyday shouldn't have to do this[:

Tagging; polaroidsho_ts, futacute, snip_shots, x_fei, xximperfect, kazuki_hime, choco8ars, sokstof

school, meme

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