Sep 07, 2008 14:14

Well I was bored when it was after lunch at church because it was time for choir practice for the old people xD Lol. So I decided
to take pictures [: I took a lot before this picture as well [: I'm uploading it right now :D I would love to post the pics from Labor Day but I'm too
lazy to resize it to post it up here in Livejournal :P Plus if I did resize it, I think it'd make the picture not as "beautiful" xD hehe.
Well I am super bored today :[ It's Sunday but I wish it was already Monday because I'd rather be at school than at home doing
simply nothing but on the computer. I rewatched this one filipino movie today [: It has my fave ever couple.
Mark Angel Santos Herras and Jennylyn Mercado x3 It can't be helped. These two so need to get back together. They are so meant to be x3 [;
Screw the other guys and girls who are being linked to them. The chemistry isn't the same. The spark isn't there if it's not Mark+Jen!
It HAS TO BE MarkJen! If you guys don't know who MarkJen is, that is probably because you're not Filipino.
It seems like all the Filipinos I know, know them.They were once a very well known loveteam. && They STILL are except
they kind of went on a LONG BREAK after they broke up in real life :[ They had fights but then became best friends after (:
Only the TOPAKS [MarkJen fans] know the story behind it [: Most of it at least [; If you want to know they you so got to join www.topaks.com x3 (:
Here is one beautiful picture of them (: It was for a calendar I think [:

Did I not tell you how lovely they are together?! xD LOL. Now fall in love with them. You may be
Filipino or not who cares?! A lot of NON Filipinos, I know, say they look perfect together x3 [: I, of course, agree! <3 Their
the only loveteam that I got so addicted to! After them there has been ChunElla, GuiLun, and RainieMike, but
NONE can ever compare to them.

Now is time for just pictures of me, my friends, etc (:


Jason[baby] and I <3 [: Then Ejay and I (: [Ejay is my 'son' xD]


Demee and I then JASON AGAIN x3 :D Love this half Korean half Filipino baby x3 [;


Marissa and I then Cristina and me [: This was during Labor day at Boba Tea House <3 [: Well that is all lovelies [;

Now I am mad and sad because of my mom :[ She sure knows how to spoil everything. I barely got on the comp and she started yelling
saying I've been on the comp the whole day :[ That's such a lie. I woke up at 9 to do my homework. I used the computer for help
for French and then finished ALL my homework at like 11 ish and went to the living room to eat. I ate, watched a movie which was about 2 hours. Then
I got on and was about to talk to my best friends when she told me to go take a shower. She wants to be in control of everything :[ It's freaking BS! ><

mark herras, jennylyn mercado, life

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