Thanksgiving 2006

Nov 28, 2006 03:23

Thanksgiving was pretty nice. Neither Craig or I had to work, so we slept in until about noon and left for his grandparents house in Laguna Beach....and got lost on the way because Craig took a "shortcut". We got there about 4:15pm and the food wasen't ready yet so Craig's sister and her husband, his uncle and his 2 daughters, Craig and I all went on a walk down to the beach. It nice and cool and there wasen't to many people out! For dinner we had the regular feast of turkey, yams, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatos and orange jello.....dessert was pumpkin pie and raspberry tarts. Craig wasen't feeling good all day, and as soon as we got home at about 10, he started throwing up. He was puking all throughout the night with a high fever, chills, and intense stoumach pains.....we wanted to take him to the hospital but it would of been several thousand dollars since he doesn't have insurance, so the next morning we took him to urgent care. I barely slept that night and he slept maybe an hour but I just heard him whimpering in pain all was horrible. The doctor just gave him some antibiotics and said it was food poisoning.....but we always eat the same thing and I was fine. He's MUCh better now and even went to work today thank goodness.

This weekened we are going to San Jose! We will probably leave on Friday night, and come home Sunday night. I'm thinking of maybe making a dish for Thanksgiving at home...Rachel Ray has some good Thanksgiving recipes that I want to long as they aren't to expensive. It's rent coming up and Craig missed some days of work bah.

There has been no signs of any Christmas decorations or a tree in this house yet, and I wanted a tree. Craig said they normally get a small one, but I wasen't 100% sure so when I was at Target buying Christmas presents, they had a whole 2 foot miniture tree setup for $2.50 each. I got the tree, ornaments, the star and garland for about $12! The lights already have died so I need to replace the battery to see if it's just the battery not the lights.

The green ball things are the garland....they are connected to each other with a thin gold rope. Craig says they look like sea urchins.

Here is sicky himself...

In this one you can see the turtle!

Ahhhhh I'd love to go to sleep but it's only 7:15pm.......

crafting, holiday, thanksgiving

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