...my first entry...

Oct 10, 2004 20:41

okay so for some reason it took me over two days to figure out how to update this damn thing. yet, this is the first time i've seen journal:update as an option.
okay anyways.

This Journal will be used mainly for:

- Good Bands

- Good Songs/lyrics

- Quizzes that are worth while to take... WARNING: these quizzes will have PG to R rated themes. I'll try and remember to give you an idea when you see them. that is.. if the title isn't enough.

- Events that are going on in my life. ie; blues festival, concerts, anniverseries, jobs, etc.

- and finally.. any other things i find interesting.. like articles, newspaper, or websites. (i'll try and find some free stuff too!)

Alrighty then.. thats it
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