Title: Untitled
Fandom, Pairing: Torchwood, Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG13 i guess for angst and mentions of neddikness.
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance, FixIt
Disclaimer: Not mine. If it was, this wouldn't need writing.
Warnings: Spoilers for all Torchwood, just to be safe. Especially Children Of Earth.
Short Summary: Erm, idek what i can say about this one without giving anything away x
Notes: Think this might be slightly OOC?? What d'you think? x
Jack closed his eyes as he felt himself being pulled from the Earth. He could feel Gwen's eyes boring into him even as he reached the ship.
He took a deep breath. Clenched his fists. Tried to force back the tears he felt prickling at his eyes. The Captain shuddered, fighting to regain his composure. A single tear rolled down his cheek, and the floodgates opened. He began to sob.
It didn't even occur to him, in his grief-stricken state, that his presence should have alerted the inhabitants of the ship. He slid down the cold metal wall, wrapping his arms around his chest, as though trying to hold himself together. He let out a wild, animalistic cry that echoed through the narrow corridors.
Jack pressed his hands to his temples, as he realised his head was pounding. He forced open his swollen eyes to find his vision blurring. He panicked, thrashing about as unconsciousness threatened to suffocate him. And then... darkness.
* * * * * * *
Thrashing, wailing soundlessly in the dark, the Captain heard something. Muffled, faint and distant, but coming nearer. A voice. Definitely a voice. Calling out? If only it was loud enough to make out words. And then it was suddenly too loud, as though someone was shouting right in his ear.
The voice yelled. And god, it was a familiar voice.
"Jack! Can you hear me Jack!"
Painfully familiar. Perhaps he had been drugged and it was making him hallucinate?
"Please, Jack!"
And the, quite suddenly, he could feel. Strong hands gripped his shoulders, shaking him, and the voice just kept on yelling.
"Jack, open your eyes! Please Jack!"
"What the hell's going on?"
Another voice. Female. Familiar yet again.
"I- I don't know! I think he's stopped breathing. Help me!"
Jack could feel a sort of numbness lifting from his muscles. He attemped movement, but his arms wouldn't work. So he tried something smaller. Eyes. Yes, he could manage to open his eyes.
He blinked. Twice. Took a great shuddering gasp of air and his vision cleared. He thrashed against the arms that held him, fumbling in a half light.
"Jack, calm down!" The womans voice insisted. Yes, it was horribly familiar. And impossible. A light flickered to life and Jack squeezed his eyes shut at the harshness of it.
"Open your eyes Jack," The other spoke softly, "It's okay. You're okay. I'm here." That voice was definately familiar. Heartbreakingly familiar. Against his better judgement, he opened his eyes.
And very nearly catapulted himself off... well, a bed. Gwen Copper gazed at him with deep concern, "Jack?" She asked tentetively. But the Captain ignored her. He had realised where he was. And was seriously questioning his sanity. His bunker. The bunker that should be either in peices in the plas, or under UNIT inspecion. Definately not in the exact same state he had left it in. He gasped and could feel more tears escaping him.
"It's okay Jack," the other voice whispered. A body shifted behind him to clasp him firmly, pulling him into a tight hug and petting his hair. Jack stiffened, pushing away slight.
He found himself gazing into a pair of worried looking blue eyes. "What's the matter, Jack?" Ianto Jones asked. Jack froze. And then colapsed against the Welshman's chest, his whole body heaving as he sobbed.
"I- I.. You were dead!" Jack cried, his voiced muffled by Ianto's shoulder. He felt Ianto smile slightly against his hair.
"It was a dream Jack."
"I think i'd better go.." Gwen muttered, "I promised Rhys I'd be home today." Ianto nodded him thanks to her
"B-but - I- I" Jack babbled
Ianto silenced him with a tender kiss, wiping away the tears with the pad of his thumb, "Why don't you tell me what happened?"
Jack took a deep breath, "It all started with the children..."
* * * * * * *
"And then- then you told me that-"
"That what?" Ianto said softly, yet again wiping away his Captain's tears.
"You- you told me that you loved me," Jack whispered. He felt the younger man inhale sharply. He went on, even though he was openly crying now, "And I so- I couldn't," He chocked back a sob and stared into his young lovers eyes, "You know in a dream when you're running away and suddenly your legs just wont move? As much as you want to keep running, it's like the dream wont let you?" Ianto nodded, his eyes glistening with tears, "It- the dream wouldn't- I couldn't say it back."
Ianto nearly broke down at the sheer desperation in Jack's voice. He leaned forward, pressing their foreheads together, "You love me?" He whispered.
He wasn't aware he had started to cry until Jack's fingers swept the tears away, "I love you too," he choked out.
Jack smiled a blissful smile and pressed their lips together in a sweet gentle kiss.
"You know," Ianto said as he pulled away, "I'm quite hurt actually," Jack frowned and opened his mouth but Ianto cut him off, "As if I would ever wonder off with you to battle a alien with a known fondness for viruses, without a single gas mask. I'm astounded your imagination has such low expectations of me," And with that a very naked Ianto hopped up from the bed and turned to a clearly baffled Jack, "Coffee?" He asked and, not bothering to wait for an answer, began to climb up into the Hub.
Jack just lay there, on his bed in his bunk, dazed. He just hoped he hadn't developed any seer-like qualities. There was no way he was going though that again. Not ever.
Comments are love.
Ohh, and i was thinking about a sequel. Thoughts?