Global Warming and Businesses (not how global warming effects business)

Jul 09, 2009 06:24

Well, I can see why so many people are coming to think that we are living in the End Times. Aside from the fact that so many people insist that Obama is the antichrist, which...if you actually read the area in which the antichrist is written about in the Bible you can see for yourself that there is no mention of the popular "man in his forties, blah blah blah" but instead a monster that people end up worshipping. If someone knows of a copy of a Bible where they can find this alternate antichrist description where this is a person rather than a monster, I would like a copy with the area marked and the passage highlighted, please.

But, aside from that, I think that with all the new super illnesses starting to break out, it's no wonder that pretty soon I bet we're going to have mass hysteria over the End Times thing with at least Christians.

Of course, they attribute this new one I've just heard about, Dengue Fever, mostly to global warming (which goes to show that climate itself is not the only thing that's going to pose a threat as our planet warms up faster and further than it should be, and people either ignore it or expect everyone ELSE to do something about it, or deny it completely), but there have been others. Bird flu and swine flu just to name a couple of others.

I will say that swine flu is a mixture of several different times of animal influenza types and that due to close housing of these animals before slaughter and horrible housing conditions on top of that, conditions that NEVER met the safe standard but are apparently also not something anyone wants to punish anyone for, these many different types of influenzas mutated enough so that they could be contracted by species that would ordinarily NOT be effected by them, became one big super flu and was able to carry over to humans.

Now, I do remember my biology from school and I don't think it's normally possible for animal illnesses to carry over to humans. However, that's where the mutation steps in. Anytime you have an illness that has mutated itself, it means trouble, because it usually means it's worse. That's why HUMANS can get bird flu. That's why humans can now get this other super flu we call swine flu can get swine flu. Under normal circumstances, there would be no possible way. But, because of the mutation of the diseases, we can now contract them.

Just wait, in a few days, we'll probably have canine flu or feline flu to add to it.

But, I don't think its because we are living in the End Times. And if that is what ends up happening, I don't think it's some wrathful or vengeful god, or because of any four horsemen. The horseman for plagues, as far as I am concerned, has not be set loose upon us yet. People have been harping about living in the End Times, and how the world is going to end, since 1666, and probably since before that in the years they could see that year coming within their own lifetimes. But, as you can all see, we are STILL here.

Why am I so sure of this? Well, because all of these are our own damn fault. God, or some other vengeful deity, didn't MAKE us house so many animals in deplorable, unsafe conditions. That was all our own doing. And when speaking about the United States alone, God didn't make our manufacturers and packing plants get materials from OUTside of the US or employ people who do, or accept goods from businesses that do. That was our own doing. We did that to ourselves. As hard as it is to admit, we humans, and we Americans, did that all by ourselves to ourselves. It's not something to be proud of, but just because we are not proud of it does not mean we have to defend it or that we have to deny it.

I know why it was done. Cost. It's more cost-effective to go outside of the US for goods (especially food) or for labor. It's very cheap, after all. But, you know what? I guess that the old saying is true. You get what you pay for in cases like that. Cheap doesn't equal better. Although, often times cheap does equal faster. So, there we go. Time effectiveness and cost effectiveness has been the major contributors to the animal flu outbreaks, especially swine flu.

Now that we know, however, we need to take steps and measures to make sure that it doesn't happen again. To make sure that we fix the problems that occured within our own country that contributed to swine flu and other illnesses that occured not from animals but from contaminated food products. Stop going outside of the country just because regulations in other countries aren't as strict, or because labor is cheaper. Stop accepting goods, especially food-based products, from companies that do that. Stores don't HAVE to accept products from those kinds of companies, nor do consumers have to buy those products.

Also, laws are great, but are nothing but words on paper if nobody enforces them. So stiffer and stricter laws for these things, and also for the way we keep our animals that are being born and raised for slaughter, need to be implemented because the older ones obviously had their own issues. But, we also need to make sure that those laws are always enforced. For the plain and simple reason that we all want to make sure that when we eat a salad, or a sandwich or any meal we don't want to have to worry about getting severely sick and dying because someone fell asleep at the switch.

And as for global warming, I think it is just plain ridiculous to think that human beings do not effect their own ecosystems. We build, we clear away things in our way, we pollute, we endanger animals...and any number of other things. But, yet, some people...many people in to insisted, not just think but insist, that we have had nothing to do with global warming. Some of these same people even say that global warming does not exist because our winters are still cold.

Well, global warming does not happen over night. Of course our winters are still cold. Eventually though, they won't be. Missouri winters being like Florida summers, however, are likely not going to happen for quite a very long time. Does that mean global warming doesn't exist? Nope. It doesn't mean that at all. Does that mean humans aren't contributing? Nope, it doesn't mean that at all.

Humans, like every other species of being, be it plant or animal, effect the earth. It's just that plain and simple. The fact that we walk upright, and can use tools, and think for ourselves does not mean we are exempt from effecting our planet with everything we do. And frankly, I can't imagine how otherwise intelligent people can think that we don't have a hand in this.

And, as far as I am concerned, its a major hand. I don't see wolves out there causing fumes from vehicle exhaust go up into the atmosphere. I don't see them launching rockets. I don't see them dumping toxic waste. I don't see them causing smoke stacks to pump black smoke into the atmosphere. Of course, there's more, but I will stop there.

I do agree that all of this cannot be fixed overnight, either. But, I think that fighting any solutions to fix these problems is rather stupid. Not everything can be done overnight, but we can fix things. Countries that have implemented wind and solar energy are doing just fine. I know the reason that we're fighting against it, though. If we use wind and solar energy, and find alternatives to coal and fossil fuels, then we're causing big problems many major industries. Not to mention that a lot of our foreign neighbors are only our friends at all because of oil.

If we stop mining coal, that pretty much kills the coal companies, from the largest company to the teeniest. And if we stop using oil, well that means that local and foreign oil companies are also out of business. That could also severely irritate Middle Eastern countries who really only seem to have much to do with us at all in the friendly sense at the moment because they are shipping oil over here by record numbers.

And I certainly don't want to say that we should stop space exploration, since there really is only ONE way to get any kind of space ship (and yes, a rocket is a space ship) into space. It might be nice to see if NASA could find solutions to some of the problems that might contribute to global warming that might be fixable, though. Like the fuel. But, I'm not a rocket scientist and I don't know how much of any kind of fuel it takes to launch a rocket. I'm pretty sure rocket fuel must play havoc with the atmosphere, but...for all know there might not be any alternative fuel that they have a way of making so far that will ever be able to reach the same kind of power they need to get a rocket to space.

And we could stop fighting the adding of animal species to endangered lists just because they are in the way of, oh, say, a pipeline. If an animal reaches below a certain number, that means that they are endangered of becoming extinct. Polar bears, for instance, are endangered but not on the list. Because it's inconvenient to put them there. Inconvenient to humans, that is.

Maybe not everybody really likes polar bears. Maybe some people don't like and don't hate polar bears, but also really don't give a damn about polar bears because they don't have anything to DO with polar bears. But, every animal that becomes extinct leaves a hole in the food chain, and every time that happens it effects a lot more than JUST that one animal. If I really need to continue explaining WHY it does that, I feel very sorry for the human race. If you couldn't even pay that much attention in biology class, I'm sure it won't take more than a few minutes to look things up online to figure out why its such a big deal when an animal goes extinct. I am not a tree-hugger, I just like my earth the way it is, thank you very much, and I don't want to make things any harder for myself in the long run than they need to be, or any of my descendants.

Mine, mind you. I don't care too particularly much about descendants from anyone else's family. I can be in it for myself, and still realize the necessity of keeping other things and other people safe and healthy, you know.
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