jumping beans!

Jul 05, 2005 21:18

[i don't wanna be like
every other girl in the world
like every other one who wants you
because when i see you something inside me burns
then i realize i wanna come first
i wanna come first
you look at me and i just die
it's like heaven arriving in my mind
and i can't believe all this jealousy
i used to be a girl who could let a guy breathe
but you're mine and tonight
you don't revolve around her
you're mine and this time
i'm gonna scream a little louder]
hmm, who knew lindsay lohan could write such meaningful lyrics?

anyways. i have a shitload of emotions going through me right now. times like these are when i hate being a girl && i feel bipolar.

on a happier note, i hung out with two of my favorite bitches today! NATALIE FUCKIN' TORREZ && MICHAEL GOD DAMN BELLI. (:

i went to natalie's house around 4:30. sadhfashhahah, right when we saw each other while i was in the car && she was waiting in the street, we just burst out laughing. gahh, i love her! but yeah, natalie had to get ready real quick before michael got there; && so she had to get her belt from this guy named mike. on our way to justin h.'s house(where mike was) I SAW SARAH CHAPMAN WALKING DOWN THE STREET. we ran towards each other && it sounded like she was crying when we were hugging. haha, we hadn't seen each other since the last day of school. jesus, like EVERYONE lives in natalie's neighborhood(rock creek), it's crazy. but yeah, natalie got her belt && as we were about to walk back to her house, michael's mom pulled up && michael pulled us in room raiders style. we were then on the way to the mall!
blah, we walked into dicks && i really wanted to buy some soffees; but i had more important things to buy. we headed into hot topic, i hadn't been there in like 293784 years. just being in there reminded me of how much i hated it. they had a cute taking back sunday shirt, but i lost all my interest that i used to have in band-tees. natalie bought a beatles shirt, while michael was making fun of things they were selling, && i was trying to find things to buy for my little brother's birthday. everything was so expensive though, so we left.
we walked around for a bit. haha, && then we bumped into chris kolinie buying his football shoes with his father. h&m sucks. abercrombie is expensive as hell; but i love it there. i still had to buy some things for my brother, so we went into spencers. my cheap ass spent no more than $7 on him for only 2 things, but i got a 'five-finger-discount' on 2 other things && so did natalie for this bracelet she wanted. (: ahha afterwards, we were walking, and someone put their arm around me && i flipped out. but, it was JAMISHA! hahaha god, i fucking miss that nigga. she's going to LHS for 3 years, so it's all good. we went inside some PuNk rAwK store called volume before we went to tropical smoothie. hahah, all 3 of us definitely did not fit in in that store. but yeah, when we got to tropical smoothie finally, i had a rockin' rasberry, which was pretty good. natalie && michael took me to their special spot in front of hechts where we drunk our smoothies sitting down, talking, && yelling at random cars. i couldn't finish my smoothie, && michael said it looked like blood, so natalie smashed it 1/4 full on the ground && we ran before anyone saw us. AHSDJASHAHJFJSAJH.
we were planning on seeing a movie, but we didn't feel like it. so instead, we went back into the mall because natalie && i had to take a piss. we stopped by pacsun for awhile, but then we all got hungry, so we walked back out to go to burger king across the street. michael bought a large onion ring && we shared. natalie had some burger, && those bitches kept throwing pickles at me, hahah. we all shared a booth && we had a little 'conference committee' about my life. blah, && then natalie called her mom to come pick us up in awhile. before she got there, we ran to toys r us across the road. natalie && michael threw ice at me from the cup of sprite i had, but we got back at michael for throwing shit at us when natalie spilled sprite all over michael's head, ahahha. we got bored, so we went inside toys r us && were all amazed by all the toys, hah. we kept pressing all the 'try me' buttons we could find. i felt so old in that store. but yeah, around 8:30 natalie's mom got there to come pick us up. she drove michael home, && then she dropped me off at my house. hah, during the entire car ride, natalie threw random toy peices at cars with open windows && yelling at people walking down the street, ASHGDAHAHAHSAASDASFHA.
chyeaa, i had a lot of fun today. natalie && michael can always make me laugh; i love them. (:

ugh. i hate how people criticize your relationship && jump to conclusions. && i hate how you tell them the truth, but they pick out every single negative thing about it. fuck it all. i'm so confused; people put so much crap i don't wanna hear in my head.


GOD, I FUCKING MISS YOU. you're the only one who can make everything better. even though i'm with other people hanging out, i can't have as much fun when i can't get you out of the back of my head. i just need to be with you. ):
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