i wanna be like oh-chan!; chibi A.RA.SHI-chan drawing :)

Jun 19, 2009 17:31

doumo minna-san! :D
genki? genki?
i've got something to share with minna :">
its not really good but i hope somebody will like it XD

teehee~ i've got nothing to say in actually but but there's something i wanna share with minna! eto, few weeks ago ne, my twin OHnasyer [ohnasyer ] & syusyu: MatSYUjun [bokunosubete ] wrote a couple of fanfic and guess what?! IMINLOVEWITHTHOSEFANFICSLIKESERIOUSLY XD
(my twin taught me that using caps + breathless talk + keysmashing + forgetting how to use spacebar is actually FUN! XD )

you see, im not a fanfic lover. i got bored reading fanfic, i never finish any fanfic i read befo. hoho *ebil ebil*. demo ne, their fanfic is tooooooo awesome to resist T^T

and and, suddenly, my twin said she'd like to see my drawing, i mean ARASHI drawing. im an art lover, i love drawing but im am SO NOT TALENTED in drawing. my drawings are horrible. okay, sometimes ne, i may accidently create a character, but but i can only draw it ONCE XD seriously, it might end up looking horror if i draw it for the 2nd time T^T

BUT, the fact that i AM and super OH-chan ichibaner, there's no way im giving up! syusyu & my twin yes thats nasyer, gave me a push and YATTA! its done! ^__________^

i wanna share it with minna, demo.. its too messy & crowded *pouts*
i got scared & im too shy to share it but but i really wanna share it with minna! XD
*gets bricked*

hai douzo;

 oh-chan: fishing! XD with his katsuo-kun! i dont know how to draw katsuo soo.. a normal fish would do i suppose? :| anyway, i spent hours and hours just to create that 'oh-chan' XD i wanna make sure he's the kawaiiest :3 no no im not being bias here *gets massively bricked X3*

nino: games + magician. i love that starry eyes of nino XD but unfortunately im too lazy to give it a final touch so it looks kinda weird :|.

sho: teehee~ a ZERO newscaster! i stared at BELIEVE PV the whole time, in order to get some picture of sho's hair XD o yeah, seriously the yattaman somehow made me go 'KIMOCHI WARUI!' XDDDD i thought i wanna erase it but but it'll cause the picture to be messier, so i just leave it there :3 and one more thing isnt there too much sho in this picture? XDD *gomen oh-chan! CHUUs*

aiba: at first ne, i wanna draw aiba-chan in a croc costume but i end up drawing him playing with croc-kun, ehm ehm more aiba-ish deshou? :D

jun: eto~ because i think jun was kinda princey, jun-sama's kingdom! XD

teehee~ special thx to syusyu & twin. this pic is specially dedicated to them! ^________^
and minna-san too! (:

seriously im a NO GOOD in arts but i love arts too much! so comments are loved! (:
if u wanna give me some tips or advices, please feel free to do so ne?! :D

YOSH! im all fired up to draw moreee n moreeee chibi arashi 8D
i wanna polish my drawing skill and be like my one and only oh-chan! yay!

fangirling, arashi, artistic, happepy

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