The Journey for Fooly Cooly

Nov 14, 2003 01:40

As I mentioned in a post a few days back, I have become a massive Fooly Cooly fan. I am fully convinced that this is the best anime I have ever seen. I know a lot of people wont get it, or will hate it after they see it but nuts to them! Anyways, because my love of this anime grew so big so fast, I had the uncontrollable urge to buy them on DVD today. I figure that after my classes at college I will come back towards my house and hit up the local mall....Pburg mall for all those that live in these here parts. There are like 5 different stores where I could get anime there, so I figure its no problem. I get to the mall and go into FYE, check there, no Fooly Cooly in their anime section at all. I check out both Gamestop and Electronics Boutique and they dont have any either. I save the best for last, Suncoast Video. I run over to their massive wall of anime and quickly search for the Fooly Cooly set. AHA! There they are! Fooly Cooly volumes one, two, and.....and........WHERES THREE?! Suncoast had about 10 copies of volume one and two, but not one copy of the final volume in the series, volume three. In a desperate attempt I go to the counter to ask If there may be any in the back. Little did I know that the kid at the counter is a huge anime fan and he gets into an hour convo about anime Ive never even heard of. I just want my Fooly Cooly damnit! Once I leave the mall, I run over to Circuit City to check out their selection. They dont have any in the series. Heres where the really bad part comes. I realize that if I want to get volume three I will have to go to the Bridgewater mall. I was at that mall the day before and just happened to notice that the Gamestop there had no Fooly Cooly volumes one or two, but one lonesome copy of volume three. The suckiest part is that the Bridgewater mall is literally seconds away from my college. Falling asleep from a lack of shut eye the night before, I drive all the way back down to the Bridgewater mall. Just to be sure I check their movie store, Saturday Night Matinee, Best Buy, Borders, and the EBX all by this mall. These stores had absolutely NOTHING. I quick run to my last stop, the Gamestop at this mall, frantically search for volume 3. It was there, but someone had moved it out of place, which means someone was probably hiding it to come and buy it later! I grabbed it, speed talked the person at the counter, and came out of the mall victorious! This was a true test of my Fooly Cooly love.

Time this adventure should have taken - 30 mins
Time adventure actually took - 3 hours

Now thats an extra 2 and a half hours of Fooly Cooly love!

Lastly, anyone that comes to my house, be prepared to watch this anime, especially if I know you read my livejournal. You dont have to watch it all in one day, but you must, I repeat MUST watch at least one episode. My Fooly Cooly love adventure must now become yours.
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