should NOT allow kids to review books

Mar 23, 2006 01:39

consider these reviews of lord of the flies...

I didnt like this book.It was very boring and slow.I think that the book was very slow.The book was not good I would not read it again.I dont recommend this book to you.But you can read it if you want to.I am think that the rating is a 1. I didnt like this book at all I will not read it again.You shouldnt.I like about the book I liked. Not very muth but there is some stuff that is kind of cool like they call this fat kid piggy.

I hate this book. It was by far the worst book ever. The book could easaly be 10 pages but it was like 300 pages. The book was so slow. The book had to much detail, I had no idea you could have too much detail.
I would never recommend this book to anyone. My little tip to the auther is to never write another book. I would rather read cifford the dog.
The whole plot of the story is the same as "Lost" so that is kind of cool. The book was with kids so it made the book more intresting but not by much. I felt reading this book is a punishment. So don't read it.
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