Feb 10, 2004 00:08
Well, Today was lincon's birthday so my school neing in Burbank and celebrating every holiday gave us a day off. Well me being out sick for a week now ment this would be my 6th weekday I havent attended school. Tommorrow imma have to go school early, tell my counselor im not happy with my new schedule and then get all my homework I am missing. Today I went to my friend K.C's house to build our Tag Team Deck for Best In The West, were playing ____. Don't wanna reveal too much since alot of people on this site are from my area and can meta against me, dont want that do we. BITW is coming in about 2-3 weeks, its a 3 day Raw Deal filled weekend which includes Tag Team Tourney, Steel Cage Tourney, Hardcore 3 day Tourney, and The Main Event. Last year I won the steel cage with Billy Gunn after only being in the game for about maybe 3-4 months. Alot of good players are probably going to be there which includes Daniel Poppe, Aaron Mungillo, Mike Drignants and many more. Proabably going to go with Road Dogg or Kane (obvious) for the Steel Cage and maybe Brock for the Main Tourney. Now my predictions for Worlds is that Bryan Witte will win, he won last year and is a great competitor, and after talking to his good friend Jimmie Allen, he has alot of tricks up his sleeve. No disrespect to the others but I think Bryan outwittes (LOL) them. Next week theyre giving us Monday off too so its so good to go to school in Burbank. Well Time To Go to bed being its 12:22 and I gots school tomorrow.