Jun 03, 2010 23:06



So, I'm currently fucking my room up, turning it upside down and giving it a good-old fist crushing. This means it's totally unorganized and shit is everywhere. It's thoroughly bothering me.

I don't know what to talk about, really. The past week I've been in Wisconsin for our family reunion thing, which pics and vids will be posted as soon as I have the time to do so properly. My life is pretty hectic right now... As soon as we got back from Wisconsin I pretty much picked up right from where I left off, had little to no down time -_-.

And here IS where I left off:

Room is a mess, like I said. Balancing my job with my life, working on many projects. This includes a documentary about the furry fandom, me and Blake's online stuff, general cosplay stuff, case managing for PACT (which I feel awful about doing such a terrible job),

Then "The World at Large" comes on, and I remember to shut up and let it flow in, through, and around me, and I feel much better, :)

"I know that starting over is not what life's all about.
But my thoughts were so loud, I couldn't hear my mouth.
My thoughts were so loud, I couldn't hear my mouth.
My thoughts were so loud."
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