Dec 09, 2026 07:57
So, things have definitley been worse in my life...but it is most definitley for sure that there have been wayyyyy better times as well, much better times.... yeah...
I have come to the conclusion that no matter what, no matter how seemingly happy and pretty well settled into a relationship I may be, or on the way to being, something will ultimately come along or happen to fuck it up.... I'm just not ment for intense guy/girl relationships...I mean they're aren't ment to last for very long I don't think.....Not that I'll always be alone...atleast I hope not..... I just feel really jipped out of being able to have even the most minor relationship, where as others are allowd to go on for months and months and years even...... Damnation!!!!!..........fuckin pisses me off!!!
I mean, yay for those people...Boo for my luck....
And I hate how much it hurts, when you have to give up on something that really makes you happy, and say goodbye to someone whos become such an important part of your life, because of stupid reasons and fucked up people who don't know when to back the fuck just hurts like someones beat the crap out of your chest and stomach, leaving these big fuckin bruises and wounds....And you end up being left feeling hollow, aching and so out of tears and to exhausted to cry even if you had any know?
As for the other aspects of my life, not really improving either....
The fam for the most part stressful to even deal with....
Work, I feel like an andriod. I go in, do what Im supposed to do, and leave....that's about it. I feel completely disenchanted with the whole thing....
Yeah, and then there's just other things, that combind with all of thes things, is really just wreaking havock on my life as I know it.....
P.S. This whole thing, just a vent