
Mar 15, 2006 09:29

Hello, thought I'd write something out in here. Uh, today Starbucks is giving away free coffee for two hours. I'm gonna get me some before I go into work. It'll be great. (o:

You know what one thing is great about MySpace? Well I'll tell you....anyone with the internet and friends is more than likely to have a page on there. I found my friend that I lost contact with about 4 years ago cause she went to college and then her parents moved and I didn't have a clue on where to send her any letters of any sort. She lived in Wisconsin and then she moved to Arizona. Anyways my point being I found her on MySpace last week. It was totally awesome. That feeling of not being able to talk to a friend because you can't and then randomly there she is to talk to. It was my highlight of last week.

Also last weekend I had a blast. I went down to Corvallis with Katie to help celebrate for Kelly's 21st. Her birthday was on Sunday so Saturday night we had dinner then went to a house party literally in the front yard of Justin's. And once it hit 12:01 they were off to the bars. And seeing that I'm still only 20 (two months, one week, and one day) I left. Oh before I forget the most repeated line that night has got to be, "PARTY FOUL!" It was hilarious. And seriously the international party word is, "Heeeeeeey!" People are almost always going to chime in. After we left there Katie and I went to her friend's apartment to hang out for a bit. Her roommate was a huge party foul. But we ended up leaving there at 2:15 to driving back home. Kelly called me when we were going through Salem, and she kept telling me, "Thanks so much for coming, Justin says I'm hammered." We ended up getting home at 3:40 and that was the end to our night.

Sunday wasn't too eventful compared to Saturday. Katie had a call in so I took her home at like 11:30 and I met up with James at Shari's to finish Biology hw around 12:30. We were done there around 3'ish and I went home. OH! My parents went on the Shamrock Run earlier that day and they came home and called me to tell me there were going golfing and they would be home right after that. I was expecting them home around 5 right? They got home after 8 because Kyle hit a hole in one. He's part of the hole in one club (you get money from other members of the club if you hit a hole in one) and you are supposed to buy everyone who is in the bar a drink right? So he ended up buying drinks for like 6 or 7 people. He got to keep alot of money from those winnings. That hardly happens.

Ok I'm off to get ready for work so I can earn money. Also I can't forget to get my free coffee. (o: I hope all is well with you guys!
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