Feb 23, 2005 15:00
I got my very first ticket today. It sucks.
During lunch, I went up to work to say hi to Mike. I only stayed a few minutes so I wouldn't be late going back to class, but decided to go next door to Dunkin Donuts for a coffee before I left. I was happy because I got my coffee for free, but that happiness didn't last long. I was almost back at school when I got pulled over. I was going 61 in a 45. I tried to talk my way out of the ticket, since he told me I was pretty and all, but all I got was it reduced to 9 miles over the speed limit. I guess an $80. ticket is better than a $160. one.
It just put me in a horrible mood. I've never been pulled over before and I wasn't even going that fast.
I told the officer that I was trying to get back to school so I wouldn't be late to class, which was true, so he made the ticket thing quick. Thank God I wasn't late, because then I'd have a ticket to pay for and a lunch detention to attend.
I called my mommy as soon as I got a chance and told her. We're hiding it from daddy though. She told me she wouldn't say anything to him if I pay for my ticket and the $35. fee for the driving class, which prevents our insurance rates from going up.
This is great. I have $45. in the bank and have 30 days to pay off the $425. on my credit card, the $80. ticket, and the $35. for the class when I only make $240. every two weeks. I'm also going to have to put $20. in my gas tank soon since I don't have much gas left.
Living in the real world, without mommy and daddy, is going to suck balls. Mom gave me the invitation to adult-hood today. I don't think I'll accept it.