This is my last post until August. Have fun in College everyone.

May 30, 2006 23:25

Whoever you are reading this, whether you like me or you don't, you've probably made some sort of impact on my life, and for that, I thank you.

I leave in 2 days for one of the hardest things I will do in life, not only will this be physically challenging, but they say if you can make it through a season of drum coprs, you can make it through anything.

I got a taste of what the summer will be like this past weekend, it was a 4 day camp and just way too hot to be outside. No band camp, practice, or mental preparation could have prepared me for one of those outside days....those longs nights and summer still hasn't come.

Graduation was great, and I owe so very much to everyone that came to my graduation party and gave me gifts. I was happy to walk down that Robarts Arena isle, and realize, I'm done, I'm really really done.
And on that topic, I'd like to say that as I sit in my room looking at a 26" bag and a single back pack that are suppose to hold everything I need for this summer, I wonder if everyone knows how much they meant to me over the last 4 years. I'm not about to sit here and thank the world, but it's moments like this when I realize, I'm leaving everything I've ever known. I'll be fine, I'll make it through, but when I come back you'll be gone...I've simply run out of time to say goodbye.

I guess that's another one of my traits, always happening to run out of time so I don't have to get upset over losing people. Although you say we'll still talk, and I don't just mean one person, time will tell that certain relationships just wont hold up. But I'm letting fate take it's course, I'm doing what I've always dreampt of doing and this time I refuse to say goodbye.

So when I've gotten 4 hours of sleep, when we've done another set of 350 morning crunches, when I eat salad for more than one meal a day, when I say to myself "I just don't know if I can do this anymore", when it's 100 degrees outside, when I want to give up.....I'll think of you. I'll think of all the good times we've had, and all the good memories I'll have to look back on this summer in times of doubt.

I wont say goodbye this time...
I'll see you soon.
Wish me luck.

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