news for August 23, 2011

Aug 23, 2011 15:47

--> Kaching! Gold popped over $1900/oz

--> "... When the Tea Party started rallying in 2009, it wasn’t protesting higher taxes, because federal income taxes were lower, with more loopholes. It was protesting the perception that productive Americans were shelling out for an ever-expanding class of moochers. ..." Liberal F.U.D. The definition of T.E.A is "Taxed Enough Already". The TEA party is about punitive taxation to businesses, over-taxation of the middle class, AND those tax dollar being used to fund moochers. Tea Party ... it is all about taxes, and getting a responsible government that will FOLLOW the laws of the land and obey the Constitution. The Tea Party got its name from the original rebellion of the citizens against an oppressive government - it was a TAX REVOLT!

--> New film in the works for the Govenator.

--> Rule: If you are a pretty blond woman, don't go to Aruba.

--> How to get your spouse to agree on a budget and financial plan

--> A budget does not mean no fun or no dinners out. It does mean a team effort.


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