A LJ friend of mine just found out she has Lyme :( so I am posting some links for her...and anyone else who may be interested...
These are some great forums that you can check out...lots of info and suport here.
http://www.lymefriends.org/forum General Information:
http://www.lymediseaseresource.com/http://www.ilads.org/news/index.php - Become very well aquainted with this site. It is THE site that LLMD's follow.
http://www.healthcentersofamerica.com/information.cfm?id=144http://www.lymeinfo.net/alt.html - alternative medicine treatments
http://www.anapsid.org/lyme/http://www.truthaboutlymedisease.com/phpBB3/ - it doesn't apear that anyone posts here anymore BUT there is a TON of information on treatment, symptoms, etc
http://www.lymebook.com/antibiotic-treatment-for-babesia-bartonella-ehrlichia-co-infections - if you can afford it, buy this book. BEST Lyme book out there, imo, and I have many.
http://www.lymenet.org/BurrGuide200810.pdf - Downoad this to your computer. This is THE Lyme Disease treatment Bible written by one of the leading Lyme Dr's in the country. Most Dr's follow this protocol, and many Lyme patients self-treat according to these guidelines. I even printed out a copy and gave it to my Dr.
If anyone needs more info or something specific, let me know. I have alot of info and some stuff is more specific ie herbal remedies, detoxing, etc. Just ask...