Nov 07, 2006 14:03
i'm posting this because it makes me angry and i want to share that anger. this kind of attitude makes me want to reach up from under the feet of the patriarchy and give them a swift kick to the nuts.
(discussing why i can't go to africa)
ME: i really can't go there. america is depressing enough for me
ME: and i frequently hate males enough as it is
HIM: err .. what do males have to do w/this ............ ?
HIM: oh btw .... you're prejudiced against males....
ME: yeah i am
ME: in africa women and children are even more oppressed than they are here.
ME: i can't stand it.
HIM: it's how they live ... and they are happy with it
ME: no they aren't.
ME: what a stupid thing to say.
ME: how could anyone be happy being treated like property??? would you be happy?
HIM: it's not our place to judge their socio-political structure
ME: they contract AIDS b/c they have no say in who gets to sleep with them...b/c they're just objects. they're not even allowed the word "no." who could be happy that way?
ME: it absolutely is.
ME: it's our job to judge every socio-political structure that uses the bodies of women as its foundation
HIM: in the more affluent areas there are signs everywhere advocating the use of condoms
ME: but if the man doesn't choose to use them, the woman has no say
HIM: i doubt that's its foundation
ME: and who cares if he uses a condom when he's raping you?
ME: the rape seems like it would be a matter of more pressing concern.
ME: and don't even get me started with clitoridectomies
HIM: you mean women circumcision?
ME: yeah... "circumcision"
ME: ha.
HIM: or at least one type
ME: men get a tiny piece of foreskin removed and we lose our clitoris.
ME: same thing, right?
HIM: in a sense
ME: bull crap.
ME: not the same thing at all.
ME: that's like if someone cut off the tip of your penis.
ME: the literal tip, not just a flap of skin
ME: think you'd like that?
HIM: listen ... the foreskin is lost and as a result all the nerve endings in the head are lost ... the clitoris, an analogous body part, is removed and all feeling is obviously lost
ME: and then let's talk about infibulation
ME: no, not a comparison.
ME: that isn't circumcision. that's mutilation
HIM: i consider modern-day circumcision as a mutilation
ME: well, as an egotistical phallocentric male, you would.
ME: but it doesn't even BEGIN to compare with a clitoridectomy
HIM: the infibulation ... is that another form of female circumcision?
ME: "the stitching together of the vulva, often after a clitoridectomy, leaving a small opening for the passage of urine and menstrual blood."
ME: that kind of "socio-political structure" demands judgment.