Name: +++Meghan+++
Age: +++14+++
Gender: +++Female+++
Location: +++Ft. Myers, FL+++
Sexuality: +++ bi - Straight+++
Body mods: +++? sry I’m sure what this question is “exactly” asking…+++
~*~L I K E S~*~
- 10 or more bands:
*In Flames
*Nine inch nails
*Deadstar Assembly
*Arch Enemy
- 5 or more movies:
*Dumb and dumber(er) (I like both)
*Billy Madison
*JackAss Movie
*Edward Scissorhands
-5 or more books:
*Green Angel
*Harry Potter and The prisoner of Azkaban
*Surviving the Applewhites
*Beyond Death’s Door
*Falling with Broken Wings
-3 or more TV shows:
*South Park
*Family Guy
*America’s Funniest Home Videos
*Viva La Bam
(although I watch movies more than I do TV.)
~*~ F A V O R I T E S ~*~
Favorite clothing articles: +++Jackets and Chucks.+++
Favorite color(s): +++Black, pink, gray+++
Favorite food(s): +++Greek, Chinese, Chick Fil A+++
Favorite quote (quote, lyric, saying, etc.): +++Grand, Kinky, Yippety Snippety…Is that how that’s supposed to work?!+++
~*~ D O Y O U . . . ? ~*~
Color your hair? If so, what colors?: +++I have had hot pink tips once, and dark brown highlights+++
Paint your nails? If so, what colors?: ++++I color them with sharpie r paint them purple/silver++++
Drink? If so, what?: +++well I drink sweet tea, but I have tried alcoholic beverages if that’s what u mean, but I’m 100 times far from being a raging alcoholic!++++
Smoke cigarettes, cloves, etc.?: +++++nah, tried a cigarette once r twice, I’ve seen what it does to family and friends though++++
Do drugs? If so, what kinds? (We won't tell): +++I’ve tried Pot...once...i promise.+++
~*~ O P I N I O N S ~*~
+Suicidal people: ---I think there are other ways you can handle your problems, I’m no one to talk, I got caught by a teacher and my mother not to long ago for cutting, life got to me awfully, but that’ll never happen any time soon, just please, suicide CANNOT be the ONLY way.
+Scene kids: ---well depending on what everyone’s term of “scene kids” means I recall that it means possible trouble makers, maybe COOL, kids or the so-called popular ones… me, I’m the quiet one around mean people people can suck, but if you know me I’m the most hyper and perverted thing you’ve ever seen!
+Labels/stereotypes: ---hate them, they mark posers it’s just ugh, I hate wannabe’s and I can really label my self under s strict category… eh, but please don’t call me a prep I swear!
+Avril Lavigne: ---pretty i guess...I liked her maybe in 6th grade.
+Drugs: ---stupid, but we all try them and say that anyways. Just not the best decision.
+Body mods: ---hmmm once again I’m sorry I just dunno what it means!
~*~ F I N A L L Y . . .~*~
__What makes you raw?: ----Hardcore? Depressed? Bi, all in all I’m not sure, the term raw is just flat out hawt, and I think I could communicate very well in a community as such!