survey cause im bored and an update

Mar 01, 2005 13:08

TEN random things about me:
10. I wear glasses
09. I'm naturally Blonde
08. I have over 400 model horses
07. I have a slight Egyptian obsession
06. I also have a small wrestling obsession
05. I wear mis-matched Chucks
04. I've been riding since I was 4 or 5 years old
03. I'd like to visit England sometime before I turn 30.
02. I like boys with long hair
01. I curse a lot

NINE ways to win my heart:
09. Don't lie to me.. ever. I will find out.
08. Don't diss me in front og your friends to try and look cool, you arn't
07. Don't ignore me, that pisses me off
06. Show me that you care.
05. Call once in a while.
04. Don't yell at me about something that isn't my fault/problem
03. Don't expect me to drop everything for you every time you want my company.
02. Be nice to me (I appologize for not knowing how to take compliments)
01. Don't treat me like shit.

EIGHT things I want to do before I die:
08. get at least one piercing
07. Have a fully trained horse that I can do stuff with
06. Visit Egypt
05. Study Cryptozoology
04. ride through a novice cross country course
03. finnish my planned tattoos
02. Own and Akhal-Teke.. a silver dun one preferably
01. ride in england

SEVEN places I want to visit:
07. Egypt
06. London
05. Dublin
04. Argentina
03. Austrailia
02. Maine
01. more of Canada

SIX things I don't like:
06. hookers
05. sluts
04. Liars
03. needles
02. bees
01. the color orange

FIVE things I'm afraid of:
05. car accidents
04. disease
03. being all alone forever
02. bees
01. needles.

FOUR of my favorite items in my bedroom:
04. my bed
03. circle chairs
02. Gamecube
01. pillows

THREE things I do everyday:
03. mess around on the computer
02. eat Ice
01. feed the rats

TWO Things I am trying not to do right now:
02. freeze
01. go outside

ONE person I love:
01. Rhianna.. shes my best friend i thinks

Update Second.

im bored. it's cold. make the snow go away. I hate it. I have Ice I am happy. umm.. I have my lesson tonight it shall be fun. Hope I get to ride Max, but I probly won't. Okay enough sensless babble
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